Add-on - SEO for reviews

Increases search traffic for the site, opening up opportunities for the store to participate in search results for queries such as "Product group - reviews" based on available product reviews.

Included support: 10 points
Support Documentation
Please select used CS-Cart core license edition where you plan to use add-on. Attention: price is different for different license types, as well as add-ons package)
Please enter a valid addres(es) of the shop where you are going to use the add-on. If you purchase the add-on for multiple stores, specify all the store addresses, separated by commas. Do not use localhost and non existing site names!
Please select paid version if you want to get updates after 6 month releases

This add-on is included in  SEO add-ons package for CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor (goes free for package owners).

This is must have add-on for stores where a customer makes a purchase decision after reviewing reviews.

Why does your store need this add-on?:

  • Creates additional pages for a request of the "Category - reviews", on which products and reviews are displayed in order of relevance;
  • The interface of the add-on is created in such a way, which additionally attracts the user, improves the behavioral factor (viewing depth and time on the site) allows the buyer to make the right choice;
  • And, most importantly, the module generates additional organic traffic to your website, which is easily converted into sales.

Watch a short video with add-on in work

Functionality and capabilities of the add-on SEO for reviews

Ability to set the default SEO name of the added testimonial pages for each language

In the settings, you can set a preset SEO name for the generated pages in the context of each language used in the store. This is very convenient, in the future, if necessary, the name of each specific page can be redefined when editing it.

Adds a link to the category page to the reviews of products in this category

If the function of creating an additional page Reviews is activated for the selected category, then on the page of such a category, next to the heading, the average rating of products and the number of reviews for all products in this category will be displayed. By clicking on this link, the user will be sent to the Reviews page for products in this category.

Creates additional pages listing category product reviews

The add-on allows you to pointwise create pages with reviews of products from the corresponding category open for indexing by search engines.

Spot creation of SEO testimonial pages and full control over SEO attributes

The store administrator has the ability to point-wise (only for the required category) create pages and flexibly manage all the necessary attributes with the support of placeholders:

- Heading H1;

- Title;

- Meta description tag;

- Meta tag keywords;

- Description (SEO text).

An user interface that makes real sales

The page is designed in such a way that at the top of the list there will always be products with the most relevant reviews. If the product has more than three reviews, then by clicking on the Show more link, more portions of reviews will be loaded. Also, if reviews have more content than is allocated for displaying a review, then the rest of it can be viewed by clicking on the More link.

All this is done so that the user can select a product without leaving the page with all the reviews.

CS-Cart type:
  • CS-Cart Store Builder Free
  • CS-Cart Store Builder Plus
  • CS-Cart Store Builder Ultimate
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Standard
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Plus
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Ultimate
Functionality purpose:
  • SEO
СS-Cart version compatibility:
  • 4.12.2
  • 4.13.1
  • 4.13.2
  • 4.13.3
  • 4.14.1
  • 4.14.2
  • 4.14.3
  • 4.15.1
  • 4.15.2
  • 4.16.1
  • 4.16.2
  • 4.17.1
  • 4.17.2
  • 4.18.1
  • 4.18.2
  • 4.18.3
Needed changes in CS-Cart system files :
Enabled update period:
  • 6 months (a paid renewal is available upon expiration)

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AB dev team guarantees limited technical support to customers through its own technical support system. In order to use the technical support, authorize on the site and click the "Support" button.

Support includes:
  • Author's answers to the technical questions of the work of the solution
  • Help in solving bugs and problems
  • Release of versions, that support new versions of CS-Cart as well as fixing bugs and issues
Support does not include:
  • Customization services
  • Installation services
  • Adaptation services for working with third-party solutions and modules
  • Update services



A complete list of technical support conditions look here

Release #6
v1.2.1 from 30-Jun-2022
Bug fixes:
[!] UniTheme2. When automatic pagination has been active in product lists, pagination disapeared on review pages on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] UniTheme2. On the review page of category breadcrumbs were duplicated. Fixed.
Release #5
v1.2.0 from 20-Jul-2021
New features and improvements:
[+] Add-on "AB: Extended meta tags and placeholders". Added patterns management of placeholders substitution on the review pages (located "AB: Extended meta tags and placeholders → Patterns management → "AB: SEO for reviews" tab).
[+] Add-on "AB: Extended meta tags and placeholders". Added placeholders for reviews page.

Bug fixes:
[!] On a category page, there was a double number of reviews than as a matter of fact. Fixed.
Release #4
v1.1.0 from 23-Jun-2021
New features and improvements:
[+] "Product reviews" add-on. Added compatibility.

Functionality changes:
[*] "Comments and reviews" add-on. Removed compatibility.
Release #3
v1.0.2 from 28-May-2021
Bug fixes:
[!] On the reviews page unaccepted reviews were displayed. Fixed.
[!] YoupiTheme. "AB: SEO pages for filters" add-on. On the category page, after ajax requests (using pagination, button "Show more" or filters), page title was cloning. Fixed.
[!] YoupiTheme. "AB: SEO pages for filters" add-on. On a category page rating and quantity of reviews were displaying next to title of several blocks. Fixed.
Release #2
v1.0.1 from 13-Apr-2021
Release #1
v1.0.0 from 15-Mar-2021

Other add-ons for search engine optimization and promotion of CS-Cart

Add-on - SEO pages for filters
Add-on - Antibot
Add-on - Indexing management
Add-on - Advanced Sitemap for CS-Cart
Add-on - Advanced meta tags and placeholders
Add-on - SEO for product tabs
Add-on - SEO for brands
Add-on - Geo pages
Add-on - SEO for blog