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Add-ons for CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor

Allows you to implement the missing functionality for SEO, saving a lot of time and money. Advantage of the package - all addons from package do not require integration for collaboration (frequent problem, when using solutions from several developers).

Allows you to speed up page loading, reduce load, get the best score for Google PageSpeed Insights.

Start dynamic remarketing campaigns in Google, Facebook, Instagram with the help of addons, that automate the process.

The add-on package for CS-Cart Cross & Upsell adds features and functionality that is designed to increase the average check through cross-selling and motivate the user to buy more expensive analogues that are more suitable for him. Attention: package is under active development!!!...

A gentleman’s set of solutions covering all the needs of an online store on CS-Cart for Ukraine: Nova Poshta, Ukrposhta, Privat 24 payment, Liqpay, monobank installments, Extended SMS, Phone mask, Uploads to the main price aggregators:, Hotline, Nadavi , Rozetka.