Add-on - Extended promotions

Add-on allows to get extended view and functionality for promotions of your store. It guarantees to increase sales at your online store and efficiency of each promotion.

Included support: 20 points
Support Documentation
Please select used CS-Cart core license edition where you plan to use add-on. Attention: price is different for different license types, as well as add-ons package)
Please enter a valid addres(es) of the shop where you are going to use the add-on. If you purchase the add-on for multiple stores, specify all the store addresses, separated by commas. Do not use localhost and non existing site names!
Please select paid version if you want to get updates after 6 month releases

Add-on is a part of theme packages for CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor UniTheme2 and YoupiTheme (comes for free for owners of themes). Extends standard functionality of promotions in platform CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor, providing all contemporary modalities at users of online store to increase sales: countdown counter, announce of promotions, active, expected and expired promotions and so on.

Advantages of the “Extended promotions” add-on:

Adds extra blocks with promotions to a store

Announce of promotion (you can display promotions in block of products with countdown counter)

Promotions list (you can display list of promotions selected manually or dynamically: active, expired, expected promotions)

Adds the ability to create a detailed page for promotion

Adds the ability to create a detailed page for a promotion (with the action type For catalog) with its own layout, open for search engines and a product list in this promotion, as well as displaying a countdown counter. For each promotion you can edit/display:

  • H1 tag;
  • Page title (Title tag);
  • Meta description tag;
  • Meta keywords tag;
  • Image for promotion page;
  • Image for promotions list;
  • Filtering by categories of products from this promotion;
  • Filtering by features of products from this promotion.

It’s a possibility to promote promotion pages in a search and get systematic traffic by requests “Product type - promotion” or any other request.

Adds advanced view for all promotion pages

Adds page for all promotions with announce of active promotions and a list of available product combinations (form native CS-Cart Product Combinations add-on) (with the ability to customize the number of promotions and combinations displayed on this page in pagination).

Adds promotions list of a product when hovering mouse pointer over product in a list (integration with UniTheme2 and YoupiTheme)

When hovering mouse pointer over product in the product list, available promotions will be displayed. It will increase users’ information awareness about available promotions for the product. Whereas, it will increase chances to sell a product.

You can set a view of any promotion in product lists, as well as specify maximum number of displayed promotions.

Appearance in UniTheme2

Appearance in YoupiTheme

Adds sticker “Promotion” into the product list with promotion

Products with promotion for Catalog can be marked in product lists with a special sticker “Promotion”. It will attract user’s attention to products.

Adds improvements to the product detailed page with an active promotion

Adds block for the announcement with a countdown counter (with the possibility of setting the end point: Until the end of the promotion or Until the end of the day).

Possibility to select countdown counter type

Using add-on settings you may specify counter appearance. There are two variants available: Javascript and FlipClock.js counters.

Appearance for counter type Javascript (light technical decision that is recommended for better PageSpeed)

Appearance for counter type FlipClock.js (bright strongly marked animation that requires more browser resources)

There are settings that allow to manage logic of promotions display

Using add-on settings you can:

  • Set starting point for countdown counter (up to the end of a promotion or current day);
  • Select counter type (there are two counter types that differs with appearance and animation of counting);
  • Specify maximum height for description of the promotion;
  • Specify number of promotions at a page;
  • Set highlighting of a promotion that makes signals to promotion termination;
  • Set number of promotions that will be displayed on the page of product lists for a specific product (when hovering mouse pointer over a product);
  • Allow to display expired promotions on the promotions list page;
  • Allow to display expected promotions on the promotions list page.

Links to promotion pages in sitemap (integration with the “Advanced sitemap” add-on)

Thanks to integration with the “Advanced sitemap” add-on, there is a possibility to locate links to pages at advanced sitemap. It will increase indexation of pages with search systems.

Stickers for products with promotion (integration with the “Stickers” add-on)

Thanks to integration with the “Stickers” add-on, there is a possibility to create stickers for products that take part at any promotion. This functionality will increase efficiency of each promotion at the store.

Indexation and canonical management of detailed promotion pages (integration with the “Indexation management” add-on)

Thanks to integration with the “Indexation management” add-on, there is a possibility to allow or forbid promotions from indexation and canonical sign (flexible for each page).

Templates for meta tags pages of a promotion (integration with the “Advanced meta tags and placeholders” add-on)

Thanks to integration with the “Advanced meta tags and placeholders” add-on, there is a possibility to set templates for generation of meta tags for promotion pages with the use of placeholders that helps to use important dynamic data.

CS-Cart type:
  • CS-Cart Store Builder Free
  • CS-Cart Store Builder Plus
  • CS-Cart Store Builder Ultimate
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Standard
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Plus
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Ultimate
Functionality purpose:
  • Marketing
  • SEO
  • Customer motivation
СS-Cart version compatibility:
  • 4.3.5
  • 4.3.6
  • 4.3.7
  • 4.3.8
  • 4.3.9
  • 4.3.10
  • 4.4.1
  • 4.4.2
  • 4.4.3
  • 4.5.1
  • 4.5.2
  • 4.6.1
  • 4.6.2
  • 4.6.3
  • 4.7.1
  • 4.7.2
  • 4.7.3
  • 4.7.4
  • 4.8.1
  • 4.8.2
  • 4.9.1
  • 4.9.2
  • 4.9.3
  • 4.10.1
  • 4.10.2
  • 4.10.3
  • 4.10.4
  • 4.11.1
  • 4.11.2
  • 4.11.3
  • 4.11.4
  • 4.11.5
  • 4.12.1
  • 4.12.2
  • 4.13.1
  • 4.13.2
  • 4.13.3
  • 4.14.1
  • 4.14.2
  • 4.14.3
  • 4.15.1
  • 4.15.2
  • 4.16.1
  • 4.16.2
  • 4.17.1
  • 4.17.2
  • 4.18.1
  • 4.18.2
  • 4.18.3
Enabled update period:
  • 6 months (a paid renewal is available upon expiration)

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AB dev team guarantees limited technical support to customers through its own technical support system. In order to use the technical support, authorize on the site and click the "Support" button.

Support includes:
  • Author's answers to the technical questions of the work of the solution
  • Help in solving bugs and problems
  • Release of versions, that support new versions of CS-Cart as well as fixing bugs and issues
Support does not include:
  • Customization services
  • Installation services
  • Adaptation services for working with third-party solutions and modules
  • Update services



A complete list of technical support conditions look here

Release #53
v3.10.5 from 26-Jun-2024
Functionality changes:
[*] Theme UniTheme2. Added compatibility with version v4.18.1.b.
Release #52
v3.10.4 from 22-Mar-2024
Functionality changes:
[*] Theme UniTheme2. Added compatibility with version v4.17.2.b.

Bug fixes:
[!] Import of the layout page "Promotions" in the UniTheme2 was different from the actual layout in the template. Fixed.
Release #51
v3.10.3 from 17-Sep-2023
Functionality changes:
[*] Changed style and adaptivity of the elements of block “AB: Deal of the day” on Home page.
[*] Changed style and adaptivity of the elements of block “Active promotions” on Home page.
[*] Changed style of the elements of the promotion block on the product page.
[*] Changed style of the promotion block in the product lists.
[*] In block settings “AB: Deal of the day” the following settings have been removed: “Show price”, “Enable quick view”. All settings for elements of product lists will be applied from the general theme settings combined with product list with the “Grid” template.

Bug fixes:
[!] UniTheme2. Counter flipclock.js has covered the top sticky panel on the mobile device. Fixed.
[!] On the promotion page in the product list with the template “Grid”, product cells have been malformed when hovering mouse pointer over products, located on the right side, and columns with products have not been adapted for screens with a small resolution. Fixed.
[!] When the setting “General → Show products from subcategories of the selected category” has been disabled, product filters have been displayed in the category page without products. Fixed.
[!] Error has occurred on the promotion page when products have been absent and the setting “Group by category” was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Promotion condition “Categories not in list” combined with the condition “Categories in list” has been working incorrect. Fixed.
[!] On the Home page in the block “АВ: Deal of the day” reviews have been duplicated in the product cells. Fixed.
[!] On the promotion page there was a redundant stripe under the breadcrumbs. Fixed.
Release #50
v3.10.2 from 16-Feb-2023
Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with UniTheme2 version 4.16.1.b.
[*] UniTheme2. The setting "Round corners at elements of block" has been removed (Color scheme settings → "Add-ons" tab → AB: Extended promotions). Now rounding of corners in the blocks of the add-on will depend on the theme setting "Round corners of blocks, windows, banners" (Color scheme settings → "General" tab).

Bug fixes:
[!] On the installations with CS-Cart versions lower 4.15.1, block of category filters occured 500 error on the promotion page. Fixed.
Release #49
v3.10.1 from 01-Dec-2022
Bug fixes:
[!] "AB: SEO for brands" add-on. When the add-on "AB: SEO for brands" was active, product filters have not been displayed on the promotion page. Fixed.
[!] Expected and expired promotions have not been displayed in promotion list. Fixed.
[!] UniTheme2. In the template "AB: Big picture, flat" block with timer has jumped. Fixed.
Release #48
v3.10.0 from 21-Nov-2022
Release video:

New features and improvements:
[+] Added block "AB: Filter by categories".
[+] Added setting of promotion "Group by category".
[+] Added setting of promotion "Image for item "All categories" of the filter by categories".
[+] Added setting of the category "Icon for block of filters".

Functionality changes:
[*] Removed setting of promotion "Use filter by category".

Bug fixes:
[!] UniTheme2. When the theme setting "Show price at the top" was active in the block "Multi Deal of the day", a wrong product was added to the cart. Fixed.

Layout changes:
[*] Added block "Filter by categories" and changed order of blocks.
Release #47
v3.9.0 from 01-Jun-2022
New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.15.1.

Bug fixes:
[!] UniTheme2 4.14.3.b and higher. Block "Multi deal of the day" has not been displayed in the section with delayed loading. Fixed.
Release #46
v3.8.0 from 13-Jun-2022
Functionality changes:
[*] UniTheme2. Changed design of the block with information about promotion on the product page.
[*] Improved adaptivity of the block “Active promotions” on the home page.

Bug fixes:
[!] YoupiTheme. Elements at scrollers were displayed incorrect when loading a page. Fixed.
[!] YoupiTheme. Language variable was missed in the division “Color scheme settings”. Fixed.
[!] On the promotion page, the page has been scrolled to the promotion header when selecting category filter. Fixed.
[!] On the promotion page, selected values of sorting and elements quantity were not saved. Fixed.
Release #45
v3.7.0 from 22-Apr-2022
New features and improvements:
[+] “Product sets” add-on. Added view of sets on the page of promotions list.
[+] Blocks “AB: “Deal of the day” and “AB: “Multi Deal of the day”, added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.14.1 - 4.14.3

Bug fixes:
[!] Multi-Vendor edition. “Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments” add-on. Vendor promotions were not available at block settings “Multi Deal of the day”. Fixed.
Release #44
v3.6.0 from 22-Nov-2021
Release video:

New features and improvements:
[+] On the editing promotion page added ability to manage layout.
[+] “Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments” add-on. On the promotion page of the vendor added link to store of the vendor.
[+] YoupiTheme and UniTheme2. Added output of image into OpenGraph microdata.
[+] YoupiTheme and UniTheme2. Added color theme settings for block “Deal of the day” that is located “[Theme] → Color scheme settings → “Add-ons” tab → section “AB: Extended promotions”.
[+] “AB: Stickers” add-on. Added setting “AB: Extended promotions” on the page “AB: Stickers → Stickers list → [sticker name] → “Display on” tab”. Setting influences on sticker view in blocks “AB: Extended promotions”.

Functionality changes:
[*] Logic of time unit was changed in the counter “To end of promotions remains”, when using Javascript counter. Now plural form is taken into consideration.
[*] UniTheme2. Style of product cell was changed in the block "Deal of the day" on mobile devices.

Bug fixes:
[!] When using condition of promotion with an operator more-less by feature with filter type “Number slider”, products on the promotion page were selected incorrect. Fixed.
[!] UniTheme2. Promotion without image was displayed not in one line in the block "Promotion list". Fixed.
[!] UniTheme2. Sticker with discount covered icon of the button "Add to wishlist" in the block "Deal of the day". Fixed.
[!] Double arrows were displayed in the block "Multi deal of the day". Fixed.
[!] Window with promotion was displayed noncompletely on the product page on mobile device in landscape mode. Fixed.
Release #43
v3.5.2 from 05-Aug-2021
Bug fixes:
[!] On the product page, if hidden catalog promotion had been applied, link to non-existing promotion was displayed. Fixed.
Release #42
v3.5.1 from 28-Jul-2021
Bug fixes:
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate edition. "Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments" add-on. Vendor's promotions were displaying on prohibited storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate edition. On the Layout reseting page storefront selector was unavailable. Fixed.
[!] UniTheme2 theme. There is a white space next to promotion image in promotions block on mobile device. Fixed.
[!] Parameter "lazy-load = true" could cause error of images in the absence of lazy load of images. Fixed.
[!] YoupiTheme theme. On the promotion page, header of empty filter block when product block and filter block were activated on mobile device. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate edition. "Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments" add-on. On the storefront on the promotion page of administrator, Vendor's products were displayed. Fixed.
Release #41
v3.5.0 from 23-Jun-2021
Release video:

New features and improvements:
[+] Added setting "Display promotion in products lists" in the tab "AB: Product of the day and extended promotions" on an editing catalog promotion page.
[+] Added "AB: Product of the day and extended promotions → General settings → Counter type" add-on setting.
[+] Added setting "Display countdown timer on the promotion page" in the tab "AB: Product of the day and extended promotions" on an editing promotion page.
[+] Added setting "Display countdown timer on the product page" in the tab "AB: Product of the day and extended promotions" on an editing catalog promotion page.
[+] "AB: Extended meta tags and placeholders" add-on. Added possibility to manage meta-tags patterns for promotion pages (located "AB: Advanced meta tags and placeholders" → Patterns management → "Promotions" tab).

Bug fixes:
[!] "AB: SEO pages for filters" add-on. In product lists, after changing filters, displaying promotions could be duplicated. Fixed.
[!] In the picker of promotions the chosen promotion was displayed with a padding. Fixed.
[!] YoupiTheme. On a promotion page active filters didn't display.
[!] Within active browser developer tools editing promotion page was loaded a long time. Fixed.
[!] Hidden promotions were displayed in product lists. Fixed.
[!] Hidden promotions were displayed on the product page. Fixed.
[!] "AB: Stickers" add-on. Fixed compatibility.
[!] "Product reviews" add-on. In the "AB: Deal of the day" block products rating didn't work properly. Fixed.
[!] "Product Variations" add-on. Variations as one product were not displayed on the promotion page . Fixed.
Release #40
v3.4.2 from 12-Jan-2021
Bug fixes:
[!] On the promotions list page, error occurred when "Buy together" add-on was active. Fixed.
[!] CS-Cart Ultimate, "AB: Advanced sitemap" add-on. Promotions from other stores got into XML-sitemap. Fixed.
Release #39
v3.4.1 from 23-Dec-2020
Bug fixes:
[!] In product lists promotions were displayed without links. Fixed.
Release #38
v3.4.0 from 10-Dec-2020
Release video:

Attention! Images fields, added with the add-on, will be removed during this update. At the same time current images of promotions will be removed as well. Please, save the images before update.

After update, images will be available in File editor (Administration -> Files), section "Private files". You need to fill promotion images again using standard promotion image field of CS-Cart.

New features and improvements:
[+] On the page of demo data adding, added the ability to place demo data in context in accordance with blocks.

Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.12.1.
[*] Removed old images fields that were added on the promotion editing page in the tab "AB: Product of the day and extended promotions".

Bug fixes:
[!] When using promotion with "Product feature" condition by "Multiple checkboxes" style and operator "not in", products without any value were not displayed. Fixed.
Release #37
v3.3.2 from 01-Nov-2020
Functionality changes:
[*] Unitheme2. On the product page with the template "AB: Three-columned" (located on the page "Administration panel -> Settings -> Appearance", setting "Product detailed page view") added style for information about applied promotion.

Bug fixes:
[!] There was an error combined with lazy load of promotions images in the products grid when shifting the view of product list. Fixed.
Release #36
v3.3.1 from 13-Oct-2020
New features and improvements:
[+] Added canonical link for page of promotions list.
[+] "AB: Stickers" add-on. In administration panel standard dropdown list is changed on picker of promotions when creating the promotion condition.
[+] Unitheme2: Changed appearance and location of the label (sticker) “Promotion” in product lists.

Functionality changes:
[*] On the page of all promotions improved adaptivity of view for all types of devices.

Bug fixes:
[!] Fixed security issue.
[!] On the promotion page, reset button of the filter by categories didn’t work when the page was refreshed with the active filter by category. Fixed.
[!] Promotion setting for catalog “Display label (sticker) "Promotion" in products lists was not displayed until promotion was totally created. Fixed.
[!] Promotion page was available on the forbidden storefront. Fixed.
[!] On the Home page, in the block “Active promotions” the images didn’t fill up the whole block space. There were frames on some screen resolutions. Fixed.
[!] Firefox browser. On the list page of all promotions, promotion titles were displayed not completely (cut) on the mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Unitheme2: On the Home page, in the block “Deal of the day” all block content was moved when hovering mouse pointer over the product with a long name (more than two rows). Fixed.
[!] “Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments” add-on. In a picker of the block ”AB: Deal of the day” promotions of Vendors were not displayed. Fixed.
[!] “Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments” add-on. On the promotion page of the vendor there were products from other vendors. Fixed.
Release #35
v3.3.0 from 13-Jul-2020
New features and improvements:
[+] Into the tab "Block settings" of the "AB: Deal of the day" and "AB: Multi Deal of the day" blocks, a new setting "Display promotion timer" was added.
[+] On a catalog promotion editing page, a new setting "Display label (sticker) "Promotion" in products lists" was added into the tab "AB: Product of the day and extended promotions".

Functionality changes:
[*] Add-on setting "Displaying current promotions in the lists" was replaced by setting "Amount of displayed promotions in the product lists", which allows to control amount of promotions to display.
[*] Block "AB: Deal of the day". General view of the elements was changed and adaptivity was improved.
[*] Block "AB: Promotions". General view of the elements was changed and adaptivity was improved.
[*] On the page of promotions list the general view of the elements was changed and adaptivity was improved.
[*] On the product page the general view of the elements was changed and adaptivity of the promotion informational block and tabs with the applied promotions at the product was improved.
[*] From the tab "Block settings" of the "AB: Multi Deal of the day" and "AB: Deal of the day" blocks were removed deprecated settings "Thumbnail width in scroller", "Outside navigation" and "Show additional products images".

Bug fixes:
[!] When clicking on the numbers of promotion timer, the page was scrolled to the beginning. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor. Menu option "Help" was available for vendors when the add-on "Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments" was disabled.
[!] On the Home page, the block "Deal of the day" was displayed with two products on the mobile devices and some compressed elements of the product cell had a conflict. Changed for one product.
Release #34
v3.2.0 from 20-Mar-2020
If you use the UniTheme2 theme, then to update the add-on you first need to update the theme to version v4.11.3.b and higher (the release contains changes that are not compatible with earlier versions of the theme).

New functionality:
[+] Multivendor: Added support of privileges for vendors;
[+] Added the page "AB: Addons → AB: Product of the day and extended promotions → Layouts", which is designed for recovery of layouts.

Functionality changes:
[*] Refreshed the users’ privileges.
[*] In the “Block settings” tab the settings “Thumbnail width in scroller”, “Outside navigation” and “Show additional products images” were removed from the “AB: Deal of the day” block”;
[*] Unitheme2: Two products were displayed in the “AB: Deal of the day” block on the mobile devices. Changed to one product;
[*] Unitheme2: On the product page was changed the style of the informational block about promotions and improved its adaptivity.
[*] Unitheme2: In all products lists, “Promotion” label was moved from price block to the beginning of the product title and changed its style;
[*] Responsive: Changed the style of “AB: Deal of the day” block;
[*] Responsive: On the product page the style of the informational block about promotion was changed;
[*] Responsive: Changed the style of countdown counter that is used at promotions with the expiration date;
[*] Improved the adaptivity of the "AB: Promotions" block.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product page when hover in the question mark in the informational block about promotion the link was moving to the promotion page if the short description was empty in the promotion. Fixed;
[!] In the promotions list the images were compressed in reference to the block size. It caused to decrease of image quality. Fixed;
[!] In the promotions block the quantity of the expired days was displayed incorrect for the promotions that has already been expired or scheduled promotions. Fixed;
[!] User's changes were not saved in the layouts when the add-on was reinstalled. Fixed;
[!] Responsive: Buttons "View" and "Add to Cart" in the "Deal of the day" block were displayed in correct. Fixed.
Release #33
v3.1.3 from 02-Dec-2019
Functionality changes:
[*] Changed design of expired promotions pages for YoupiTheme and Responsive.

Bug fixes:
[!] On promotions list page, when checked setting "Displaying applied promotions in the product lists", was displayed current promotion. Fixed.
[!] In the Promotions product tab, product combinations with checked setting "Display in promotions" were displayed. Fixed.
[!] In UniTheme2 and YoupiTheme in CS-Cart 4.11.1, when checked setting "Displaying applied promotions in the product lists", in product lists applied promotions weren't displayed (only a frame). Fixed.
[!] In UniTheme2 on expired promotion page greyfilter was dropped from image on hover. Fixed.
Release #32
v3.1.2 from 05-Nov-2019
Bug fixes:
[!] On the promotions list page, if promotion hasn't expiration date then it's title fitted closely to image, on smartphones. Fixed.
[!] Fixed issues of style compatibility with UniTheme 2 version 4.10.4.b.
[!] In the Responsive theme, on a promotion page, by default was hidden description, image and countdown timer. Fixed.
[!] In the Responsive theme, in Grid product list, when addon setting "Displaying applied promotions in the product lists" is active, block with applied promotions was misplaced. Fixed.
[!] In the UniTheme 2 theme, on a promotion page, for mobile devices products filter moved under the products block. Fixed.
Release #31
v3.1.1 from 08-Oct-2019
Functionality changes:
[*] In the "Product of the day" block link "Active promotions" execution is changed.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the promotion page filter by categories slowed page loading (independent of settings). Fixed.
Release #30
v3.1.0 from 27-Sep-2019
Functionality changes:
[*] Adaptivity of the "Product of the day" block elements in the UniTheme2 template on mobile devices is improved.
[*] Adaptivity of the "Product of the day" block is improved.

Bug fixes:
[!] An error occurred while going to the promotion editing page on new language. Fixed;
[!] In the promotions schedule work, if it ended on the last day of the month and didn't work in the next month, periods were not formed correctly. Fixed;
[!] In the "AB: Promotions" block settings displayed untranslated language variable "_sort_order". Fixed;
[!] In the Responsive "AB: Product of the day and extended promotions" block on mobile devices was not adapted. Fixed;
[!] In the administration panel at editing "AB: Promotion schedule" columns were different sizes. Fixed;
[!] In the Responsive elements trimmed from below in "Promotions" block on mobile devices. Fixed;
[!] The direction of the countdown counter in the RTL version was not displayed correctly. Fixed;
[!] On the promotion detailed page, there was no padding between the image and the name of the promotion on the phone. Fixed.
Release #29
v3.0.0 from 06-Sep-2019
New functionality:
[+] Action option "Hide products block" is added;
[+] Schedule mechanism for promotions is added.

Bug fixes:
[!] In blocks with promotions time counter on RTL-pages designations "seconds", "minutes", "days" were moved down. Fixed;
[!] On the mobile devices in the YoupiTheme for action with term, less than day, time counter is displayed not by the center. Fixed;
[!] When viewing the catalog promotion with an empty condition by products (rule is added, but without products) — there was a mistake. Fixed;
[!] In the "Product of the day" block on the homepage, if the product didn't have image, stub "no-image" is displayed with incorrect sizes. Fixed;
[!] In the "Product of the day" block on the homepage, a smooth shader at the block with products end was displayed only on the right. Fixed.
Release #28
v2.0.4 from 08-Aug-2019
Feature additions:
[+] In the promotions block, on promotions list page and in the promotion card — image lazy load for UniTheme2 and YoupiTheme is added;
[+] In the "Block settings" of the "Product of the day" block option "Hide add to cart button" is added.
Release #27
v2.0.3 from 04-Jul-2019
Bug fixes:
[!] Fixed compatibility with YoupiTheme v4.10.*;
[!] Fixed compatibility with UniTheme2 v4.10.*;
[!] In the "AB: Product of the day and extended promotions" block for UniTheme2, the "Quick view" button for Phones has been removed;
Release #26
v2.0.2 from 10-Jun-2019
Feature additions:
[+] Added compatibility with YoupiTheme v4.10.*;

Bug fixes:
[!] Fixed compatibility with UniTheme2 on product page (if the product has more than 1 promo);
[!] Fixed the counter layout bug on older versions of ios;
Release #25
v2.0.1 from 07-Jun-2019
Feature additions:
[+] Added preview link on the promotion editing page;
[+] Added link to addon settings into the site menu;
[+] Added connector for further updates;
[+] Added products filters support on the promotion page;
[+] Added settings "Show expired promotions", "Show awaited promotions";
[+] Added promotions block fillings "Expired promotions", "Awaited promotions";
[+] Added integration with "AB: Tag noindex for technical pages" addon (versions 1.10.0 and higher);
[+] Added demo-data import;

Bug fixes:
[!] changed promotions list page and promotion page templates;
[!] Fixed load-more-combinations button text on the promotions list page;
[!] Fixed bug with displaying when two counters on the page;
Release #24
v1.23 from 24-Jan-2019
[+] Added hook “ab__deal_of_the_day:detailed_content”;
[!] Fixed bug with displaying link to hidden promotion;
Release #23
v1.22.3 from 21-Jan-2019
[!] Fixed output bugs in rtl version;
[!] Fixed js error for browsers that do not support the es6 standard;
[!] Fixed a bug with subcategory products in parent category promotion;
[!] Fixed a bug with the dependence of the products blocks on the promotion page of the filter by category;
Release #22
v1.22 from 13-Dec-2018
[+] Added displaying of promotions in product lists for the YoupiTheme;
[!] Fixed bug with loading promotions by the "Show more N products" button;
[~] Improved the adaptability of the "Product of the Day" block for the YoupiTheme. The countdown counter for the YoupiTheme is updated;
Release #21
v1.21 from 26-Nov-2018
[!] Fixed a bug with the display of promotion products when using the operator "any" in conditions;
[!] Fixed a bug with the filtering active combinations on the promotions list page by date;
Release #20
v1.20 from 15-Nov-2018
[+] Added displaying of promotions in product lists for Responsive, Unitheme and Unitheme2;
Release #19
v1.19 from 12-Sep-2018
[!] Fixed an error for promotions with a lot of products;
Release #18
v1.18 from 06-Sep-2018
[~] Optimization of the request for products by promotion;
Release #17
v1.17 from 30-Jun-2018
[!] Fixed compatibility for multi-store site;
[!] Fixed sorting of expired promotions on promotions list page;
Release #16
v1.16 from 08-Jun-2018
[+] Added compatibility with cs-cart 4.8.x;
[+] Added output of expired promotions on promotions list page (sorted by to_date);
Release #15
v1.15 from 24-Apr-2018
[+] Added integration with the addon "AB: Advanced sitemap";
Release #14
v1.14 from 14-Dec-2017
[+] Added compatibility with hooks in cs-cart 4.7.x;
[+] Added setting "Highlight promotion days left";
[~] If less than a day left, then instead of the number of days, "Only today";
[~] The number of columns in the products grid on the promotion page is depends on the setting of the site "Number of columns in the product list";
[!] Fixed bug with combinations on the promotions list page when products tracking is on;
Release #13
v1.13 from 24-Nov-2017
[+] Added setting "Combinations per step";
[+] Added setting "Promotions per page";
[!] Fixed bug in widget-mode;
Release #12
v1.12 from 26-Sep-2017
[+] Added users permissions;
[!] Fixed multilanguage counter for responsive theme;
Release #11
v1.11 from 16-Aug-2017
[+] Added a setting "Show additional products images" of block "AB: Deal of the day";
[+] Added multilanguage support for counter;
[~] Changed view of expired promotions pages;
Release #10
v1.10 from 13-Jul-2017
[~] Fixed bug with sorting by specified positions in promotions block;
[~] Fixed bug with displaying expired promotions;
Release #9
v1.9 from 01-Jun-2017
[!] Fixed styles for new version v1.5 of Unitheme;
Release #8
v1.8 from 23-May-2017
[~] Fixed conflict with addon buy_together;
Release #7
v1.7 from 03-May-2017
[~] Improved layout;
Release #6
v1.6 from 03-May-2017
[+] Added the ability to create blocks with promotions;
[+] Added product tab with active promotions (if product has more then one promotion);
[~] Setting "Promotion ID" moved from addon settings to block settings;
[~] All products in categories marks with label Promotion;
[~] In product page displaying first active promotion;
[!] Fixed bugs;
Release #5
v1.5 from 27-Mar-2017
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.5.1.SP1;
Release #4
v1.4 from 16-Mar-2017
[!] Fixed bugs;
Release #3
v1.3 from 22-Dec-2016
[+] Added compatibility with the UniTheme;
Release #2
v1.2.1 from 30-Nov-2016
[~] Limited products in block;
Release #1
v1.0 from 21-Nov-2016