This is the most technological implementation of sticker functionality for products in CS-Cart. Its great for SEO, page speed performance and will improve behavioral factors and user involvement.
Add-on allows user to add 2 sticker types for products in the store: static and dynamic.
Static stickers ‒ stickers that are associated with the product manually or on basis of created conditions that were used for generation (or automatic sticker name). There is a direct created connection between static sticker and product (sticker id - product id). When you use this sticker type, you don’t need any additional server resources when generating the page (it’s the most economic realization in the context of server resources).
To automate sticker appointment, there is a function of “generation” that solve a problem of automatic appointment and actualization of stickers. To generate, you should create conditions and activate the task for actualization in CRON (scheduled execution of operation).
To generate (for automatic appointment) static stickers, the following conditions are available: product price, product features, product categories, signs of stockpiles, weight, feature of novelty, popularity, product quantity, tags and product reviews.
There is export/import process of product stickers that provides scope for massive adding of stickers for products.
Dynamic stickers ‒ stickers that are added during product page generation on the bases of product information and are generated without preparatory appointment for products. The main purpose of such stickers is work with dynamic characteristics that may become irrelevant (e.g., promotions, product availability, amount of a discount). In such a case, there are no created relations for dynamic stickers that could be saved in database. Usage of such sticker type may require server resources when generating pages of the store, as queries to DB may operate to get some data.
A set of conditions is provided for dynamic stickers use: discount, rating, quantity discounts, free shipping, preorder, promotion, product rating etc.
Every sticker type may have graphic or text style.
Graphic stickers ‒ use images, Text stickers ‒ stylized text label (text can be different for different devices: PC and Phones). There are several style variants and display settings provided for Text stickers. Moreover, it is possible to use placeholders, font icons that are used in the theme, special tags (from available list) and emoji for text fields of the stickers.
Advantages of our realization of the add-on “Stickers” for products:
- The most economic in the context of resource management (it is possible to use for large catalogs, leave unloaded);
- Full support of the themes Responsive, Unitheme2, Youpi (native support from themes developers);
- Support of all CS-Cart editions (Multi-vendor, support of work at the stores and marketplaces);
- The most correct SEO solution (there are no texts of stickers descriptions in the pages code, page content is not diluted with stickers content);
- The most effective realization for clean and minimize of HTML-content of the page (even a large number of stickers on the page do not increase HTML, do not decelerate products list as stickers are loaded after page loading);
- The most flexible at work with different devices (it is provided ability of split management for displaying and appearance of stickers for PC and Phones);
- The most powerful capabilities of stickers theming (maximum abilities to change appearance and form factor of the sticker allow to achieve maximum convenient design);
- Maximum level of usability and possible users involvement (interface realization with display of additional sticker description when hover the mouse to inform the user and involve direct from product list);
- The add-on comes with free demo data (set of stickers that are used most of all by employers that will allow you to start work with the add-on).
- CS-Cart Store Builder Free
- CS-Cart Store Builder Plus
- CS-Cart Store Builder Ultimate
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Standard
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Plus
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Ultimate
- Marketing
- Usability
- Product page
- Category page
- Customer motivation
- 4.11.5
- 4.12.1
- 4.12.2
- 4.13.1
- 4.13.2
- 4.13.3
- 4.14.1
- 4.14.2
- 4.14.3
- 4.15.1
- 4.15.2
- 4.16.1
- 4.16.2
- 4.17.1
- 4.17.2
- 4.18.1
- 4.18.2
- 4.18.3
- 6 months (a paid renewal is available upon expiration)
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[+] UniTheme2. Added support of the version 4.18.1b.
Bug fixes:
[!] PHP Notice has occurred on the page with product blocks, if there was a sticker with a condition "Promotion" and disabled status. Fixed.
[!] Placeholders in the text fields have been worked incorrect in some cases for pictogram generating. Fixed.
[!] Adding of demo stickers from other add-ons has not worked. Fixed.
[!] UniTheme2. Stickers could cover operating and control elements that had absolute or fixed positioning. Fixed.
[!] UniTheme2. The effect "mouse hover" has disappeared on the product page when hovering over the pop-up of a sticker. Fixed.
[!] Error has appeared when cloning a sticker. Fixed.
[!] On the product page pictogramms have disappeared when changing a variation. Fixed.
[!] "Common products for vendors" add-on. Stickers have not been displayed for products if in the setting "Buy a default common product" of the add-on "Common products for vendors" has been activated. Fixed.
[!] Stickers have been displayed at the products where the condition "Promotion" has been selected and the promotion status has been "Hidden". Fixed.
[!] Tooltip of a sticker has been displayed in a wrong place sometimes. Fixed.
If you have used this Cron task, please, update it!
New features and improvements:
[+] Optimized pictograms generating - one image will be generated for pictograms with the similar data.
[+] Multi-Vendor. Added a new condition “Vendor” for static and dynamic stickers.
[+] On the editing sticker page disabled text is displayed with a grey color for pictograms now.
[+] Added ability to choose a view of pictogram appearance for the layout “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”)”.
Bug fixes:
[!] There was a mistake in the word “pictograms” in Cron task for generating pictograms. Fixed.
[!] Responsive theme. Stickers have been displayed not in one line at products with the template “The big picture”. Fixed.
[!] “Video gallery” add-on. On the product page stickers have been displayed incorrect at the lower corner. Fixed.
[!] JavaScript error has appeared on all pages of client part that became a reason of incorrect work of the store. Fixed.
[!] Tooltips were displayed incorrect for text stickers. Fixed.

New features and improvements:
[+] For static stickers added a new style - pictogram.
[+] Added a new page "Font list" where you can view and load your own fonts for pictograms.
[+] UniTheme2. On the theme settings page in the tabs "Product lists" and "Product" for all kinds of view, added the setting "AB: Stickers: Display pictograms".
[+] YoupiTheme. On the settings page in the tabs "Settings of prodict lists" and "Settings of product page" for all kinds of view, added the setting "AB: Stickers: Display pictograms".
Bug fixes:
[!] In the list without options product image has been changed at graphic sticker when hover a mouse pointer at a product with several images. Fixed.
[!] When generating one static sticker, all stickers have been generated as well. Fixed.
[!] At sticker settings "Image size (full view)" and "Image size (short view)" sizes 96x96 and 128x128 have not been working. Fixed.
[+] For text sticker added setting "Background color saturation" on the page "AB: Stickers → Sticker list → [sticker name] → "General" tab".
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.15.1.
Functionality changes:
[*] Added new sizes for graphic sticker images: 96x96px and 128x128px.
[*] UniTheme2. Added settings of stickers view in new templates of the theme "AB: Grid (with button "Show more")" and "AB: Light scroller".
[+] Multi-Vendor. Added compatibility with the "Vendor panel configurator" add-on.
[+] Static stickers were not displayed after generating process. Fixed.
[*] Optimized add-on performance.
[!] When using a condition with operator more/less by feature with filter type "Slider with numbers", products for sticker were gathered up incorrect. Fixed.
[*] Condition "Number of reviews" of static stickers and condition "Product rating" of dynamic stickers depend on the add-on "Product reviews" as well.
[+] "AB: Video gallery of the product" add-on v3.0.0. When playing a video, stickers will be hidden. When a video is stopped, stickers will be displayed.
[+] Added condition of dynamic stickers "Discount amount".
Functionality changes:
[*] Multi-Vendor, "General products for vendors" add-on. General products will be added to extract of products when generating links with static stickers.
[+] Multi-Vendor. For vendors added the ability to manage sticker statuses on the page “Vendors → Vendors → [vendor's name] → “AB: Stickers” tab”.
[+] Multi-Vendor. Added add-on setting “Allow vendors to manage stickers” on the page “AB: Stickers → General settings → “Vendors” tab”.
[+] Multi-Vendor. Added sticker setting “Allow vendor to manage” on the page “AB: Stickers → Stickers list → [sticker name] → “General” tab”.
[+] "Buy together" add-on. Added condition "Buy together" for static stickers. Sticker will appear at the product that consists of combination only.
Bug fixes:
[!] Appearance of text stickers was saved incorrect when importing stickers. Fixed.
[!] It was impossible to add more than one condition to sticker if Free shipping condition was located first. Fixed.
New features and improvements:
[+] Added sticker setting “User groups” on the editing sticker page.
[+] Added checkbox “Consider subcategories” for stickers condition “Categories”.
Functionality changes:
[*] Increased time for links generating of static stickers for products.
[*] "AB: Product of the day and extended promotions" add-on. Changed behavior of the condition “Promotion”. Now sticker will be applied if at least one promotion in the list is applied for a product.
[*] Add-on setting “Cron key” was removed.
Bug fixes:
[!] Sticker setting “Positions in product lists” worked incorrect on product details page. Fixed.
[+] Added compatibility with "AB: Payments" add-on. ”Stickers” add-on should be updated up to v1.4.0
Functionality changes:
[*] Thumbnail format of stickers will accept the value "same as source" independent from the value in the setting "Settings -> Thumbnails -> Thumbnail format".
[+] On the page "Administration -> Data import -> AB: Stickers: Import" added the setting "I’m uploading a HiDPI image".
Bug fixes:
[!] There were issues with translation of stickers when adding or deleting a new language. Fixed.
[+] Added the ability to set a color and width of the border for stickers in case of selected appearance "Beveled angle" in the add-on settings but with redefined appearance of the appropriate sticker.
[+] “AB: Payments and installments by Privat 24 and LiqPay” add-on. Added the ability to create static conditions of stickers “Payment by instalments”, “Minimum credit term” and “Maximum credit term”.
[+] "AB: Payments and installments by Privat 24 and LiqPay” add-on. Added demo-stickers "Payment by Installments".
Functionality changes:
[*] For products list of the type “Scroller” added prohibition against stickers display in lower corners (stickers from lower corners will be displayed on upper corners).
Bug fixes:
[!] When generating stickers on the page of links generation, all stickers, including disabled, were generated. Fixed.
[!] On mobile devices it was impossible to close dropdown field of sticker description. Fixed.
[!] Unitheme2. In product lists “Grid”, “List without options” when stickers are located on the right, element “Add to wish list” covered stickers on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Fixed security issue.
[*] Request procedure of stickers was changed on POST.
Bug fixes:
[!] When CS-Cart setting "Calendar date format", located on the page "Administration panel -> Settings -> Appearance" was changed, dates of availability of stickers were saved incorrect.
[!] Fixed problems with stickers cache.
[+] Added a new setting of the text sticker “Appearance”.
[+] Added a new setting of the text sticker “Use color values from the current theme”.
[+] Added display of stickers descriptions on mobile devices.
[+] Added search of statuses on the sticker management page.
[+] Round stickers are added to demo data (it is recommended to use it at YoupiTheme).
[+] Added search of appearance on the sticker management page.
[+] On the page of add-on general settings in the setting "Appearance" a new variant “Circle” was added.
[+] "Vendor Privileges" add-on. Added dependence on the add-on on the editing product page.
Functionality changes:
[*] On the page of add-on general settings in the setting "Stickers output type", default value for maximal number of stickers was changed on 3.
[*] Stickers conditions in the tab “Conditions” on the editing sticker page will be grouped.
Bug fixes:
[!] On the sticker management page in the list of available placeholders records were duplicated. Fixed.
[!] CS-Cart Ultimate. Generation of stickers links worked incorrect. Fixed.
[!] On the storefront of php version 5.* the smarty error was occurred. Fixed.
[!] Demo data. Fixed translations and mistakes at conditions.
[!] There was no opportunity to choose a storefront when there were no created stickers for this storefront. Fixed.
[!] On the feature variant page, cache of the block "Main content" worked incorrect. Fixed.