Add-on - Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features

Addon allows you to make intellectual product selection - analogues or accessories - in block on product page (by category tabs). In 5 minutes you can configure the rules for block generation for thousands products. This functionality is used in the most popular stores in the world!

Included support: 30 points
Support Documentation
Please select used CS-Cart core license edition where you plan to use add-on. Attention: price is different for different license types, as well as add-ons package)
Please enter a valid addres(es) of the shop where you are going to use the add-on. If you purchase the add-on for multiple stores, specify all the store addresses, separated by commas. Do not use localhost and non existing site names!
Please select paid version if you want to get updates after 6 month releases

The add-on is included in the  Cross-up - sell add-ons package for CS-Cart (supplied free for package owners)

Imagine that your store will take care of maximizing your profits from sales and displays a block with product offers, that very likely will be interested by client.
Moreover, you do not need to do a great work. Configure the selection rules for the categories of goods and CS-Cart will make everything else.

Intellectual selection by features - is a great solution for cross-selling

Addon functionality gives you possibility of product selection based on:

  • product categories (yes .... for category "Notebooks" we can select products from the category "Computer mouse" "Bags for laptops" and any others, that you want)
  • product features (yes .... for laptops with 17-inch screen size addon will select bags for notebooks with 15.6-inch
  • price range (yes .... to expensive laptops, you can customize the output of expensive bags or mouses
  • product availability (yes .... the system will not show products, which are currently not available)

You can create an unlimited number of product selection rules, apply sorting, mix products, selected from the different rules. We also do not allow duplicated products in block.

Addon provides high speed performance (no brakes !!!)

This module is designed and developed in a way to spend a minimum of resources: no matter how many related items will be displayed on the product page.

  • addon was tested on stores with 50,000+ products and more than 1000 features with a large number of variants (for example, only about 1,000 brands)
  • in frontend we have a great speed of content rendering in block (even if tabs content 100 - 150 product items)

Actual data in block

Important condition is that product in block must have a non-zero price and in stock availability, this is why we provide a mechanism that allows data updating even if you do not use scheduled updates (in cron), the system detects when the page generation that regard last updated for a long time (you can cofigure in addon settings number of days for cache results) and will update all the links that are used to generate commodity tabs in the product (but on a global level, all products that use the same rules for selection, also update the cache blocks - tabs)

Usability for store admin

  • the administrative section of the module has an intuitive interface according the style of CS-Cart (which is considered as one of the most friendly among e-commece solutions)
  • after addon installation with clicking link "Help" you will see a complete illustrated guide to the functionality (described in full-cycle)

SEO optimised

  • we use Ajax to load tabs content, thats wy we do not reduce SEO for main keywords
  • large number of goods in the tabs does not slow down the generation of the product page as a whole (test results on Google PageSpeed Insights revealed that the page continues to work in the so-called green zone (sometimes block was given to about 150 items - analogues or accessories-goods)
CS-Cart type:
  • CS-Cart Store Builder Free
  • CS-Cart Store Builder Plus
  • CS-Cart Store Builder Ultimate
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Standard
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Plus
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Ultimate
Functionality purpose:
  • Cross-sell, Up-sell
  • Marketing
  • Product page
СS-Cart version compatibility:
  • 4.3.4
  • 4.3.5
  • 4.3.6
  • 4.3.7
  • 4.3.8
  • 4.3.9
  • 4.3.10
  • 4.4.1
  • 4.4.2
  • 4.4.3
  • 4.5.1
  • 4.5.2
  • 4.6.1
  • 4.6.2
  • 4.6.3
  • 4.7.1
  • 4.7.2
  • 4.7.3
  • 4.7.4
  • 4.8.1
  • 4.8.2
  • 4.9.1
  • 4.9.2
  • 4.9.3
  • 4.10.1
  • 4.10.2
  • 4.10.3
  • 4.10.4
  • 4.11.1
  • 4.11.2
  • 4.11.3
  • 4.11.4
  • 4.11.5
  • 4.12.1
  • 4.12.2
  • 4.13.1
  • 4.13.2
  • 4.13.3
  • 4.14.1
  • 4.14.2
  • 4.14.3
  • 4.15.1
  • 4.15.2
  • 4.16.1
  • 4.16.2
  • 4.17.1
  • 4.17.2
  • 4.18.1
  • 4.18.2
  • 4.18.3
Enabled update period:
  • 6 months (a paid renewal is available upon expiration)
I would give this a 10 if it had some more logical operators (e.g. IF NOT, AND/OR etc). Currently requires tons of rules to make it work well. Good plugin but i would like to at least be able to "exclude" products.
Модуль действительно хорош! Конечно в видео рассказывается поверхностные настройки, и по сути выводятся не совсем точные аксессуары. А вот если правильно и вдумчиво прописывать характеристики к товарам, то на выходе получаем реально нужные и правильные аксессуары!
Модуль крутой по видео, но его бы затестить
Спасибо. Очень классный модуль, он окупил себя уже на следующий день.
Супер крутой модуль! Я потратил 1 час на 5 категорий и полностью настроил генерацию аксессуаров, 3 тысячи товаров (пневматические винтовки) в 1 момент получили правильно подобранные товары (пульки, мишени, прицелы, бинокли, дальномеры и др) которые идеально подходят к конкретным моделям оружия и пользователь мог бы купить дополнительно с большой вероятностью. Сайт не тормозит, генерация происходит быстро, мой сайт
Вот пример
Очень надеюсь на увеличение продаж!
Write a message

AB dev team guarantees limited technical support to customers through its own technical support system. In order to use the technical support, authorize on the site and click the "Support" button.

Support includes:
  • Author's answers to the technical questions of the work of the solution
  • Help in solving bugs and problems
  • Release of versions, that support new versions of CS-Cart as well as fixing bugs and issues
Support does not include:
  • Customization services
  • Installation services
  • Adaptation services for working with third-party solutions and modules
  • Update services



A complete list of technical support conditions look here

Release #23
v4.0.1 from 09-Oct-2024
New features and improvements:
[+] Added hooks to the templates and functions to extend work of the add-on.
[+] Added view of a date and duration of the last update.
[+] Added ability to generate separate relations.
Release #22
v4.0.0 from 24-Aug-2023
Release video:

New features and improvements:
[+] Added new operators for features.
[+] For the block “AB: Products selection” added additional display templates.
[+] Added ability to copy rules.

Functionality changes:
[*] In Administration panel in the rule list, feature name for the storefront has been changed on the name for administration panel.
[*] Improved visibility on the cart page.
[*] UniTheme2. In the pop-up window “The product was added to your cart” effect of the grey color has been removed from selected products.
[*] UniTheme2. Appearance of tabs has been brought into conformity with the theme.

Bug fixes:
[!] Sorting by position has been ignored. Fixed.
[!] Products have not been linked through the feature with a filter type “slider”. Fixed.
[!] UniTheme2. In the pop-up window “The product was added to your cart” the button “Added to cart” has not been working when the theme setting “Allow to select variations\options from lists” was active on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] UniTheme2. In the pop-up window “The product was added to your cart” tabs have been displayed with a different height on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] CS-Cart Multivendor. “General products for vendors” add-on. Selected general products have not been added to the cart when the setting “Buy a default common product” was disabled. Fixed.
Release #21
v3.2.2 from 01-Jun-2022
Bug fixes:
[!] UniTheme2. When there was a large number of tabs, text in these tabs has been displayed not total on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On CS-Cart version 4.15.1 picker erroe has occured. Fixed.
Release #20
v3.2.1 from 08-Sep-2021
Bug fixes:
[!] Cache of relations was not generated if relation status was "Hidden". Fixed.
Release #19
v3.2.0 from 03-Sep-2021
New features and improvements:
[+] Added possibility to clone relations.

Functionality changes:
[*] YoupiTheme. Add-on settings were removed to "Add-ons" tab.
[*] Removed add-on setting "Cron key". Cron task is available for the fulfilment at console mode only.

Bug fixes:
[!] Error could occur when generating categories with a large amount of products. Fixed.
[!] In the window "Product added to the cart" tab of matched products could be displayed without products. Fixed.
Release #18
v3.1.3 from 01-Jun-2021
New features and improvements:
[+] "AB: Antibot" add-on. Blocks with recommended products will be displayed for real users only. They will be cut from source html-code for all bots.
Release #17
v3.1.2 from 13-Apr-2021
Bug fixes:
[!] Fixed compatibility with YoupiTheme v4.12.2.d.
Release #16
v3.1.1 from 27-Jan-2021

Pay attention

If you are using YoupiTheme, please upgrade it to version 4.12.2.a or higher.

New features and improvements:
[+] YoupiTheme. Added display of the block with products selections after product tabs.

Bug fixes:
[!] UniTheme2. On the cart page and in the window of adding to cart, view of tax broke the make-up. Fixed.
[!] UniTheme2. On the product page the make-up of the block with products selection was broken when the template “The big picture” was chosen and there was a large number of tabs on mobile devices. Fixed.
Release #15
v3.1.0 from 15-Nov-2020
Release video:
Update of add-on Intellectual selection of products in block v3.1.0 for CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor
New features and improvements:
[+] Added the ability to set links at tabs of products selection block.

Bug fixes:
[!] On Ultimate edition cache reset occurred for all storefronts when resetting cache of relations for one storefront only. Fixed.
[!] YoupiTheme. Outside navigation elements of the block were displayed incorrect. Fixed.
Release #14
v3.0.0 from 30-Oct-2020
Release video:
Update of add-on Intellectual selection of products in block v3.0.0 for CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor
New features and improvements:
[+] Added the ability to combine links into Relation groups. On the storefront on the product page you can display several blocks "AB: Products selections" with contents by Relation groups.
[+] YoupiTheme. Added theme setting "Display block" on the page "AB: Add-ons -> AB: AB: Intellectual selection of products in block -> Settings for the AB: YoupiTheme".
Release #13
v2.9.0 from 26-Mar-2020
New features and improvements:
[+] Responsive: Added caching of the block "AB: Products selection”.
[+] Added new setting “Administration panel -> Manage add-ons -> AB: Intelligent products selection -> Exclude duplication of tabs”. If the product has several links with the same name (created in different categories), then using this setting you can leave only one link/tab in the block "AB: Products selection" on the product page.
[+] Added parameter `--limit`, which can be used when forming the cache update command. If you have a lot of products and connections, then updating the cache for all connections at once can load the website for 100% and it will not work at all. Now, using this parameter, you can specify the number of updated links, for example 5. And in the scheduler, you can set the task for execution every 10 minutes, i.e. 6 times per hour. Therefore, in one hour you can update 6 times * 5 links = 30 links or 720 links a day and further in a circle. Such a distribution in quantity and time significantly reduces the load on the website. For example, `5 23 * * * php /path/to/admin.php --dispatch=ab__ia_data.cron_update_cache --cron_key=* --switch_company_id=* --limit=5`.

Functionality changes:
[*] Unitheme2: Add-on settings for theme were transferred to the tab "Add-ons" on the page "Add-ons -> AB: UniTheme2 -> Theme settings".
[*] The add-on setting "Cache features variants when creating rules" was removed.
[*] Informational content was improved during the rule testing.

Bug fixes:
[!] Add-on “Products variations”: On the product page, when viewing product variations (the goal of the “Variations as one product” characteristic), the block “AB: Products selection” was not displayed. Fixed.
[!] In the window "The product was added to your cart" and on the cart page there were already added products to the cart in the products selections. Fixed, products will be excluded.
[!] On the product page with zero balance in the "AB: Products selection" block the tab of relation was not displayed when the "Only in stock" setting was active. Fixed.
[!] When creation/editing the Reference categories by features, list of the feature variants is formed from all products of Reference category. If the Reference categories had no any product then features variants were unavailable. Fixed. Now the list of the feature variants is formed from the products of Reference categories and its subcategories.
[!] Sorting of products in the block "AB: Products selection" did not match the specified in the "Relation" settings. Fixed.
Release #12
v2.8.0 from 21-Nov-2019
Functionality changes:
[*] "Exclude product variations" setting was renamed on "Exclude variations for Related products with the feature "Variations as one product" and accordingly changed its functional behavior;

Bug fixes:
[!] When viewing the saved relation Rule, the comparison operator "Equally" was not displayed. Fixed;
[!] If the condition for Related products contained"--- variant of [Reference product] ---", but at the same time this feature was not assigned to the Reference product, the rule was fulfilled according to the remaining conditions. Fixed. Now the Related product must contain all the conditions from the rule for “Related Products”, otherwise the rule is completely ignored.
Release #11
v2.7.0 from 12-Nov-2019
New features and improvements:
[+] MULTIVENDOR: Added compatibility with the "Common Products for Vendors [Beta]" addon;
[+] In the edit window "Relation" in the tab "Rules of relation" for "RELATED PRODUCTS" using condition for products selection "with next features" its possible to set "--- variant of [Reference product] ---". This option allows you to automatically take into account the value of the corresponding features of the Reference product when selecting Related products;
[+] For "CRON key" setting automatic code generation added.

Bug fixes:
[!] ULTIMATE: In "AB: Products selection" block Relations from another storefronts were shown. Fixed;
[!] On the cart page, if the product has a block "Recommended products" automatic recount of the cart did not work. Fixed.
Release #10
v2.6.0 from 02-Sep-2019
New features and improvements:
[+] Connector for next upgrades through the UpgradeCenter is added;
[+] New option "Exclude products variations" is added;
[+] Settings tab for Unitheme2 is added;
[+] Option with image size is added;
[+] In the administration panel additional points is added to the "AB: Addons" menu;
[+] Form for UniTheme2 template is added.

Bug fixes:
[!] Compatibility with UniTheme2 is added;
[!] Pre settings at displaying as a block are deprecated.
Release #9
v2.4 from 14-Jun-2018
Release #8
v2.3 from 23-Jan-2018
Release #7
v2.2 from 24-Dec-2017
Release #6
v2.1 from 01-Dec-2017
Release #5
v2.0 from 17-Oct-2017
Release #4
v1.21 from 06-Mar-2016
[!] исправлено объявление констант
[!] исключена автоматическая генерация кеша при сохранении связи
Release #3
v1.2 from 28-Feb-2016
[+] en добавлен параметр сron_key для защиты от несанкционированного запуска планировщика
[+] en добавлен параметр, который позволяет автоматически обновлять кеш связей каждые N дней.
[+] en для опорных и связанных товаров, теперь можно не указывать характеристики, а просто связать категория на категорию.
[+] en добавлены новые языковые переменные, чтобы не использовать системные, так как в разных магазинах они могут быть изменены вручную.
[+] en при выборе характеристики, в момент создания правила, ее варианты буду кешироваться. Поэтому при повторном выборе характеристики не нужно будет ожидать списка вариантов. Если все же необходимо принудительно загрузить новый список варинатов - удерживайте клавишу Ctrl, при клике на характеристику.
[!] en исправлена работа скроллера с внешними кнопками навигации
[!] en из связанных товаров исключается опорный товар (случай когда одна и та же категория выступает одновременно и опорной и связанной)
[!] en исправлено значения по умолчанию "Максимальное кол-во отображаемых товаров в связи" при создании новой связи.
[!] en исправлен расчет кеша связей; оптимизированы запросы к базе данных.
Release #2
v1.1 from 09-Feb-2016
[+] en добавлена возможность редактировать связь и правила связи на отдельной странице.
[!] en добавлено уведомление о попытке сохранить связь без имени. Это не допускается, поэтому связь не будет сохранена вообще.
Release #1
v1.0 from 07-Feb-2016
[+] en добавлена справка по модулю
[+] en добавлена страница, со списком ОПОРНЫХ категорий
[+] en реализация подбора товаров по характеристикам

Other add-ons for increasing sales Cross-sell and Up-sell in CS-Cart projects

Add-on - Product sets (Up-Sell)
Add-on - Extended comparison and wishlist
Add-on - Extended "Buy together"
$100.00 $50.00