This add-on is part of our package Cross-sell and Up-sell (supplied free of charge to all owners of the package with an active subscription to updates).
What is the idea of this add-on for Cross-sell and Up-sell?
Very often in stores, sellers place a block with recommendations below the main content on the product page. In this case, the buyer may simply not reach this block on the page with his eyes. In the case with large number of such recommendations on the page, the real value of such a recommendation is blurred.
The main and key feature of the add-on is that it allows you to display a block with the most suitable product recommendation in the "hottest" place on the main product page from the buyer's point of view (focus), where it is impossible to display it using standard platform tools. It is the area of the page that you have the highest chance of selling an additional product - a recommendation for the main product (this hypothesis has already been tested many times and is used by some major players in the e-commerce market).
In order to cover as many cases of using the add-on as possible, we have provided several ways to fill product recommendations (manual and mass).
Manual selection of product recommendations for a specific main product
You can add product recommendations to the main product pointwise on the main product editing page. This mechanic allows you to achieve the highest level of product recommendation quality and, accordingly, maximum buyer interest in them, but will require time to fill out for large catalogs.
Assigning product recommendations for products of a specific category
In the category editing interface, the add-on adds a tab for adding product recommendations. All products for which this category is the main parent can receive recommendations from this setting if they are configured to inherit products - recommendations (more on this below).
Inheritance of recommendations at the product level
The add-on allows the main product to inherit the filling of products - recommendations from:
- recommendation settings for the main parent category (assigned manually);
- from the links of the add-on Intelligent selection of related products (automatic assignment according to the rules of matching features) - special integration with this add-on has been made for the most convenient and automated assignment of suitable recommendations.
Support for Multi-Vendor editions of the CS-Cart platform (marketplaces)
- The marketplace administrator can use the logic of assigning product recommendations without taking into account the division of vendor products (manual and automatic assignment)
- !!! Killer - feature !!! A vendor with the Seller Privileges add-on can (if their tariff plan includes the corresponding privileges) assign recommendations manually (Let the vendor assign recommendations precisely, they know their product well: they are guaranteed to sell more due to the right recommendations, and this will become an additional incentive to increase the seller's tariff plan (and this is additional profit for the marketplace).
Other features of the add-on:
- when selecting several recommendations for the main product, the recommendation that has a higher priority and is currently available (accounting for product availability) will be displayed;
- the add-on does not make online calculations when loading the page, will not cause performance issues, even in the case of complex automatic assignments of recommendations from the Intelligent product selection add-on based on features.
- CS-Cart Store Builder Plus
- CS-Cart Store Builder Ultimate
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Standard
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Plus
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Ultimate
- Cross-sell, Up-sell
- Marketing
- Product page
- Customer motivation
- 4.18.1
- 4.18.2
- 4.18.3
- 6 months (a paid renewal is available upon expiration)
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