Offers an alternative to the built-in CS-Cart mechanism for working with custom product feeds, the essence of which is to create configurable templates (which defines the format for its construction) and create separate feeds that can use previously created templates as well as flexible conditions (criteria) for adding products in it.
- Ability to change feature name
- Ability to create separate datafeeds for a specific vendor (Multi-Vendor) and storefront (Multi-Vendor Ultimate)
- Ability to define a name of datafeed's file
- Ability to extend templates with third-party add-ons
- Ability to feed images with watermarks (integration with standard CS-Cart add-on “Watermarks”)
- Ability to feed product prices taking into account promotions with type “For catalog”
- Ability to manage criteria for products in the datafeed by conditions
- Ability to set authorization to get access to datafeed's file
- Ability to specify criteria to exclude a product in datafeed
- Ability to specify criteria to include a product in datafeed
- Ability to specify feature Brand in datafeed
- Ability to use additional parameters for datafeeds added with third-party add-ons
- Automatic generating an upload file (by Cron task)
- Choose the currency for datafeed
- Create datafeed template on the bases of integrated template
- Edit datafeed template without programming
- Limit product images quantity displayed in the feed
- Multilingual datafeed
- Setting to feed variations of products
- Support of different feed formats
- Support to generate datafeed “on the fly”
- There are additional variables for datafeed templates (integration with “AB: Products short description from features” add-on)
- Create datafeed templates on the bases of created add-ons for CS-Cart
Ability to change feature name
On the editing category page there is ability to change feature name. You can rename a feature and specify a datafeed to apply the new feature name.

Ability to create separate datafeeds for a specific vendor (Multi-Vendor) and storefront (Multi-Vendor Ultimate)
Marketplace administrator can create separate datafeeds for vendors (Multi-Vendor edition) and storefronts (Multi-Vendor Ultimate).
Ability to define a name of datafeed's file
You can specify any comfortable name for datafeed's file that may help you to find necessary datafeed from complete list.
Ability to extend templates with third-party add-ons
Add-on adds the possibility to extend datafeed templates with third-party add-ons. Thus, you need a development by your own forces or third-party developers.
Ability to feed images with watermarks (integration with standard CS-Cart add-on “Watermarks”)
There is a checkbox in general datafeed setting that helps to manage images with watermarks in the datafeed.

Ability to feed product prices taking into account promotions with type “For catalog”
In the general settings of feed there is a checkbox that helps to feed prices taking into account actual promotions of catalog.

Ability to manage criteria for products in the datafeed by conditions
There is a separate tab where you can set conditions to select products for your datafeed.
There are following selection criteria:
- status with price - price range from and to;
- status with stock - product in stock only or all products;
- status with quantity - quantity range from and to;
- presence of product description - products with filled in description only or all products;
- presence of product images - products with images only or all products;
- Filter with Stop-words - you can set Stop-words in following fields: Product name, Brief description, Detailed description, Keywords.

Ability to set authorization to get access to datafeed's file
There is ability for each datafeed to set login and password for the purpose of confidentiality of your data. If you have set login and password, you have to authorize before view the file.

Ability to specify criteria to exclude a product in datafeed
In case if you wish to exclude specific products from datafeed, you can use one of the following criteria:
- corresponding product Category;
- filling Manually - specify products necessary for exclusion only.

Ability to specify criteria to include a product in datafeed
You can manage criteria flexible to select products in datafeed:
- corresponding product Category;
- corresponding product Feature;
- filling Manually (products necessary for inclusion only).

Ability to specify feature Brand in datafeed
There is an ability to specify feature by purpose "Brand” for each datafeed.
Ability to use additional parameters for datafeeds added with third-party add-ons
At additional parameters of datafeed you can set arbitrary values for parameters and use it in the template by variable name. For example, using a code {$abpfe_p1} you get a value utf-8.

Automatic generating an upload file (by Cron task)
There is an ability to generate datafeed's file by Cron task. It allows to avoid peak load on your server at the moment of appealing the file as it can happen if you generate file on the fly.

Create datafeed template on the bases of integrated template
By default add-on adds standard datafeed template of products, where typical data (fields) of product feeds are used. On the bases of such template, you can create unlimited number of separate product feeds with its own settings and feed criteria.

Edit datafeed template without programming
You can edit template with no need to edit the code of a file in the platform. You need to know bases of Smarty only (Smarty is used at datafeed templates), so you could cover most number of issues with modification of integrated standard template.
Limit product images quantity displayed in the feed
Add-on adds the possibility to limit product images quantity in the feed. It increases speed of datafeed generating, exceeds datafeed size and helps to pay attention to priority data.
Multilingual datafeed
You can create separate datafeed for each language that is installed in your store.
Setting to feed variations of products
For variations that are created as one product, there is a setting that feeds variations as one product when the setting is active. When the setting is disabled, variations will be fed as separate products.

Support of different feed formats
Add-on supports following feed formats:
- xml
- csv
- yml
- txt
It allows you to use the add-on for various purposes (as there is a large number of cases when datafeed file should be generated in various formats).
Support to generate datafeed “on the fly”
Datafeed's file will be generated before you download it. It is relevant if you need to get the most actual data always. You can download the file as well as display its content immediately on the screen without being downloaded.
There are additional variables for datafeed templates (integration with “AB: Products short description from features” add-on)
Thanks to integration with the “AB: Products short description from features” add-on there are additional variables that are available for use in templates: {$product.short_description} and {$product.feature_short_desc}, that serves to change empty short product descriptions on short descriptions from features.
Create datafeed templates on the bases of created add-ons for CS-Cart
There is ability to create templates for datafeed on the bases of plugged additional add-ons.
There is a list of add-ons that adds datafeeds:
- Google dynamic remarketing + Google Merchant Center (for all countries);
- Dynamic Facebook and Instagram ads (for all countries);
- Nadavi product export xml feed (for Ukraine);
- Product feed for (for Ukraine);
- product export xml feed (for Ukraine);
- CS-Cart Hotline xml export (for Ukraine);
- Product and page feed export for search system ( template) (for all countries).
- CS-Cart Store Builder Free
- CS-Cart Store Builder Plus
- CS-Cart Store Builder Ultimate
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Standard
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Plus
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Ultimate
- Integrations
- 4.3.4
- 4.3.5
- 4.3.6
- 4.3.7
- 4.3.8
- 4.3.9
- 4.3.10
- 4.4.1
- 4.4.2
- 4.4.3
- 4.5.1
- 4.5.2
- 4.6.1
- 4.6.2
- 4.6.3
- 4.7.1
- 4.7.2
- 4.7.3
- 4.7.4
- 4.8.1
- 4.8.2
- 4.9.1
- 4.9.2
- 4.9.3
- 4.10.1
- 4.10.2
- 4.10.3
- 4.10.4
- 4.11.1
- 4.11.2
- 4.11.3
- 4.11.4
- 4.11.5
- 4.12.1
- 4.12.2
- 4.13.1
- 4.13.2
- 4.13.3
- 4.14.1
- 4.14.2
- 4.14.3
- 4.15.1
- 4.15.2
- 4.16.1
- 4.16.2
- 4.17.1
- 4.17.2
- 4.18.1
- 4.18.2
- 4.18.3
In some cases CS-Cart does not give possibility to extend functions (where is no hooks, another cases), so to inplement extra feature we need to insert it to code of CS-Cart.
- 6 months (a paid renewal is available upon expiration)
No posts found
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A complete list of technical support conditions look here
[+] Added a new setting "Categories type" on the tab "Data selection conditions" on the editing page of the feed.
For more details, please, refer to the documentation.
Bug fixes:
[!] Some add-on pages have not been working. Fixed.
[!] The setting "Scheme of combining of products selection conditions", that is located on the editing page of the feed on the tab "Include data objects", has been working incorrect. Fixed.
[+] When the storefront is deleted, the feeds, that are linked, are deleted as well.
[+] Added support for a dark theme in the admin panel.
[+] Added the ability to export hidden entities (products, categories, characteristics).
[+] Added "Hidden products" setting to the "Data selection conditions" tab on the feed editting page.
[+] Added "Hidden Categories" setting to the "Data selection conditions" tab on the feed editing page.
[+] Added "Products from hidden categories" setting to the "Data selection conditions" tab on the feed editing page.
[+] Added "Hidden features" setting to the "Data selection conditions" tab on the feed editing page.
Functionality changes:
[*] On the template editing page, the "Template" field occupies the entire allowable width area.
[*] On the feed editing page, the "Export variations" setting has been moved to the "Data selection conditions" tab.
Bug fixes:
[!] "Warehouses" add-on. The remaining products were not always exported correctly when the add-on was enabled. Fixed.
[!] The product price was not always correctly exported for web-stores with several storefronts. Corrected.
[+] Multi-Vendor edition. Added a new setting “Common products” on the page of feed settings in the tab “Data selection conditions”.
Bug fixes:
[!] Multi-Vendor edition. Products of disabled and temporary stopped vendors were fed. Fixed.
[!] On the editing feed page the button “Add condition” have not been working in the tab “Include data objects”. Fixed.
[!] "Warehouses" add-on. In the multi-store PHP error has occured on the tab "Conditions of data selection" when the setting "In stock only" and the add-on "Warehouses" was installed. Fixed.
New features and improvements:
[+] Added support of the "Warehouses" add-on.
[+] Added a new setting "Use currency code at product URL" on the datafeed page.
[+] Added a new setting "Use language code at product URL" on the datafeed page.
Functionality changes:
[*] For multi stores added a feed of the first category in product list, if an appropriaate product has a main category that is linked to the other store.
Bug fixes:
[!] On the template page useless horizontal scroll has appeared. Fixed.
[!] On the page "Feeds list → [feed name] → "Include data objects" tab" features could not be saved when selecting the condition "in". Fixed.
[!] On products selection by brand only (without categories or products conditions) there wasn't element
[!] There were other products from the categories of manually added products in the datafeed file, when using "OR" value of "Scheme of combining of products selection conditions". Fixed.
[!] When exporting separate products, their categories weren't included into the general array of categories in datafeed template. Fixed.
[!] When generating datafeed with setting "Images quantity" value equals 0, error occurred. Fixed.
New features and improvements:
[+] Added datafeed setting "Scheme of combining of products selection conditions" in the tab "Include data objects", which allows to set products selection more flexible.
Functionality changes:
[*] Removed the add-on setting "Cron-key". Cron task can be executed at console mode only.
Bug fixes:
[!] Multi-Vendor edition. In the dialog window of selected or excluded products, vendors' products weren't displayed. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate edition. When generating datafeed file with unchecked setting "Full-size images", links of images were specified with the address of the default storefront, instead of the chosen one. Fixed.
[!] On the place of feature name in a datafeed file were put names of disabled filters.

Attention! The new version of the add-on is not compatible with old templates. After add-on update, you have to update all dependent add-ons and their templates.
New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.12.1.
[+] Added progress bar for manual start of datafeed generating from the administrative panel.
[+] Added displaying of the last generating date of the file on the page of datafeeds list.
[+] Pages of the add-on in administrative panel are adapted for mobile devices.
[+] Added autogenerating of the Cron-key, when installing the add-on.
[+] In datafeed settings added product selection conditions by amount.
[+] On the datafeed editing page added link to edit the chosen template.
[+] On pages for managing templates and datafeeds added extra navigation menu.
[+] Multi-Vendor Ultimate edition. Added compatibility.
[+] Multi-Vendor edition. Added condition for product selection by vendor.
[+] Added ability to generate datafeed "on the fly".
Functionality changes:
[*] Queries were optimized for datafeed generating with a big amount of products.
Bug fixes:
[!] Ultimate edition. Product name on different storefronts, if different names were set for different stores, has been displayed incorrectly in some cases. Fixed.
[+] Added PHP hook "ab__pfe_get_items_after_table_fill".
[+] Added Ukrainian language support.
Bug fixes:
[!] SQL errors could occur when adding fields from tables connected by user. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate. Links for Cron tasks were specified excluding storefronts.
[!] Links to products of datafeed's file were always generated on the storefront language by default. Fixed.
[!] Datafeed's file left available even after feed disable. Fixed.
[*] Updated usergroups privileges.
Bug fixes:
[!] On multi-store site product links in a datafeed were incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Stucked datafeed generation didn't reset on cron. Fixed.
[!] On datafeed with features condition generated product variation (as one product) didn't load. Fixed.
[*] Attribute `group_id` was added into the template "General".
Bug fixes:
[!] When the option "Export variations" is enabled, field `variation_group_id` wasn't loaded. Fixed.
[+] Added the ability to install the demo data with all products list.
Functionality changes:
[*] Option "Export variations" work logic is changed.
Bug fixes:
[!] An error occurred at deleting the category. Fixed.
[*] Variations export is adapted to cs-cart 4.10.2
! fixed bug with empty company_id on ultimate;
[+] added ability to include single products;
Bug fixes:
[!] fixed notice on datafeed delete;
[!] fixed error with last product key;
[!] fixed issue with wrong link (if SEO addon is deactivated);
+ added ability to substitute features names by product categories;
+ added hook "ab__pfe_get_product_features";
+ added users permissions;
v2.8 March 15, 2017
~ hide category parent_id, if parent category does not exports;
v2.7 February 24, 2017
~ add multi-frontstore support;
v2.6.1 October 19, 2016
~ fixed error with sql field on addon update;
v2.6 October 10, 2016
+ added scheme for files extension;
+ added all params list in the template editing page;
+ added changelog;
~ fixed styles of templates and datafeeds lists;
v2.5 September 20, 2016
+ more help added;
~ changed mechanism of characteristics (removed dependency with filters);
v2.4 September 16, 2016
+ added files autogeneration by hook;
~ extended help;
v2.3 September 16, 2016
+ added cron-key;
~ printed link for datafeed files generation;
v2.2.1 September 14, 2016
+ added special chars encoding for brand;
v2.2 September 13, 2016
~ fix translations;
~ reorder default templates output;
~ change templates ext to .tplx;
v2.1 September 12, 2016
+ added hook into the function get_datafeed_categories;
~ hide category parent_id, if parent category does not exports;
v2.7 February 24, 2017
~ add multi-frontstore support;
v2.6.1 October 19, 2016
~ fixed error with sql field on addon update;
v2.6 October 10, 2016
+ added scheme for files extension;
+ added all params list in the template editing page;
+ added changelog;
~ fixed styles of templates and datafeeds lists;
v2.5 September 20, 2016
+ more help added;
~ changed mechanism of characteristics (removed dependency with filters);
v2.4 September 16, 2016
+ added files autogeneration by hook;
~ extended help;
v2.3 September 16, 2016
+ added cron-key;
~ printed link for datafeed files generation;
v2.2.1 September 14, 2016
+ added special chars encoding for brand;
v2.2 September 13, 2016
~ fix translations;
~ reorder default templates output;
~ change templates ext to .tplx;
v2.1 September 12, 2016
+ added hook into the function get_datafeed_categories;
~ add multi-frontstore support;
v2.6.1 October 19, 2016
~ fixed error with sql field on addon update;
v2.6 October 10, 2016
+ added scheme for files extension;
+ added all params list in the template editing page;
+ added changelog;
~ fixed styles of templates and datafeeds lists;
v2.5 September 20, 2016
+ more help added;
~ changed mechanism of characteristics (removed dependency with filters);
v2.4 September 16, 2016
+ added files autogeneration by hook;
~ extended help;
v2.3 September 16, 2016
+ added cron-key;
~ printed link for datafeed files generation;
v2.2.1 September 14, 2016
+ added special chars encoding for brand;
v2.2 September 13, 2016
~ fix translations;
~ reorder default templates output;
~ change templates ext to .tplx;
v2.1 September 12, 2016
+ added hook into the function get_datafeed_categories;
~ fixed error with sql field on addon update;
v2.6 October 10, 2016
+ added scheme for files extension;
+ added all params list in the template editing page;
+ added changelog;
~ fixed styles of templates and datafeeds lists;
v2.5 September 20, 2016
+ more help added;
~ changed mechanism of characteristics (removed dependency with filters);
v2.4 September 16, 2016
+ added files autogeneration by hook;
~ extended help;
v2.3 September 16, 2016
+ added cron-key;
~ printed link for datafeed files generation;
v2.2.1 September 14, 2016
+ added special chars encoding for brand;
v2.2 September 13, 2016
~ fix translations;
~ reorder default templates output;
~ change templates ext to .tplx;
v2.1 September 12, 2016
+ added hook into the function get_datafeed_categories;
~ changed mechanism of characteristics (removed dependency with filters);
~ more help added;
~ добавлено кодирование спецсимволов в бренде;