Attention! The functionality of the add-on has been moved (an alternative and more technically correct implementation) to the Antibot add-on and will be further supported in updates for it.
The addon allows to exclude the transfer of the weight for the technical pages as well as links to other pages on your site or another sites. It was developed special for highly skilled SEO experts.
The addon is able to handle the dynamic elements of the template (sorting links, links to the amount of products on the template page and the selection of the output of products and others) and tested on the store with 120 000 products and over 600 categories. Addon is fully integrated with native cache system of CS-Cart and working fast.
A more detailed info about the technology SEOhide you can on specialized forums for SEO specialists. In a nutshell, it allows you to hide from search engine links to external resources and internal pages of the site. But all links stay working in all users' browsers. Search bot has a zero chance to recognize a link with SEOhide. Seo experts use this technology for the proper distribution of weight and the concentration of the reference pages within the site.
Please note, that the easy installation of the addon does not solve the problem. To fully problem solution it is needed to work on the implementation of the code in the store templates. The cost of these works is included in the cost of addon.
The package includes:
- installation service of the addon, that provides all needed libraries working on your site;
- implementation of the necessary changes in your store templates;
- making recommendations to change the server settings in case of need (some servers require additional configuration of the system for SEOhide performance)
Please attention!!! The implementation of works on introduction SEOhide technology demands of our party access to work with the template files on your server. We guarantee the addon work only on dedicated or virtual dedicated servers (where it is possible to edit the system settings).
- CS-Cart Store Builder Plus
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Standard
- 4.3.0
- 4.3.1
- 4.3.2
- 4.3.3
- 4.3.4
- 4.3.5
- 4.3.6
- 4.3.7
- 4.3.8
- 4.3.9
- 4.3.10
- 4.4.1
- 4.4.2
- 4.4.3
- 4.5.1
- 4.5.2
- 4.6.1
- 4.6.2
- 4.6.3
- 4.7.1
- 4.7.2
- 4.7.3
- 4.7.4
- 4.8.1
- 4.8.2
- 4.9.1
- 4.9.2
- 4.9.3
- 4.10.1
- 4.10.2
- 4.10.3
- 4.10.4
- 4.11.1
- 4.11.2
- 4.11.3
- 4.11.4
- 6 months (a paid renewal is available upon expiration)
No posts found
AB dev team guarantees limited technical support to customers through its own technical support system. In order to use the technical support, authorize on the site and click the "Support" button.
A complete list of technical support conditions look here
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.11.3;
[+] Added compatibility with UniTheme2 version 4.11.*;
[+] Added compatibility with YoupiTheme version 4.11.*;
[+] Added users privileges.
Bug fixes:
[!] Fixed errors of W3C validator;
[!] Fixed 404 error for nonexistent file for the authorized users.
[+] added UpgradeCenter/Connector for the next updates;
[+] added hidden add to compares button, product preview button, add new post button, compares list and wishlist links;
Bug fixes:
[!] Fixed bug for authorized users;
[+] added compatibility with cs-cart 4.8.x;
[!] Fixed bug with "clear filter" button on Youpitheme;
~ optimized cache storing;
v1.8 June 14, 2017
~ fixed problem with category displaying;
v1.7 May 4, 2017
~ fixed problem with blocks (My account, Category) caching;
v1.6 April 24, 2017
~ removed dependency with user sessions;
v1.5 April 5, 2017
~ fixed problem with double maps init;
v1.4 March 14, 2017
~ fixed problem with js-file caching;
v1.3 February 27, 2017
~ fixed bug with js-files attachment for 4.4.x versions;
v1.2 November 1, 2016
+ added changelog;
~ optimized code by using caching;
v1.1 September 13, 2016
+ added help;
~ fixed bugs with ajax;
~ fixed problem with category displaying;
v1.7 May 4, 2017
~ fixed problem with blocks (My account, Category) caching;
v1.6 April 24, 2017
~ removed dependency with user sessions;
v1.5 April 5, 2017
~ fixed problem with double maps init;
v1.4 March 14, 2017
~ fixed problem with js-file caching;
v1.3 February 27, 2017
~ fixed bug with js-files attachment for 4.4.x versions;
v1.2 November 1, 2016
+ added changelog;
~ optimized code by using caching;
v1.1 September 13, 2016
+ added help;
~ fixed bugs with ajax;
~ fixed problem with blocks (My account, Category) caching;
v1.6 April 24, 2017
~ removed dependency with user sessions;
v1.5 April 5, 2017
~ fixed problem with double maps init;
v1.4 March 14, 2017
~ fixed problem with js-file caching;
v1.3 February 27, 2017
~ fixed bug with js-files attachment for 4.4.x versions;
v1.2 November 1, 2016
+ added changelog;
~ optimized code by using caching;
v1.1 September 13, 2016
+ added help;
~ fixed bugs with ajax;
~ removed dependency with user sessions;
v1.5 April 5, 2017
~ fixed problem with double maps init;
v1.4 March 14, 2017
~ fixed problem with js-file caching;
v1.3 February 27, 2017
~ fixed bug with js-files attachment for 4.4.x versions;
v1.2 November 1, 2016
+ added changelog;
~ optimized code by using caching;
v1.1 September 13, 2016
+ added help;
~ fixed bugs with ajax;
~ fixed problem with double maps init;
v1.4 March 14, 2017
~ fixed problem with js-file caching;
v1.3 February 27, 2017
~ fixed bug with js-files attachment for 4.4.x versions;
v1.2 November 1, 2016
+ added changelog;
~ optimized code by using caching;
v1.1 September 13, 2016
+ added help;
~ fixed bugs with ajax;
~ fixed problem with js-file caching;
v1.3 February 27, 2017
~ fixed bug with js-files attachment for 4.4.x versions;
v1.2 November 1, 2016
+ added changelog;
~ optimized code by using caching;
v1.1 September 13, 2016
+ added help;
~ fixed bugs with ajax;
~ fixed bug with js-files attachment for 4.4.x versions;
v1.2 November 1, 2016
+ added changelog;
~ optimized code by using caching;
v1.1 September 13, 2016
+ added help;
~ fixed bugs with ajax;
+ added changelog;
~ optimized code by using caching;
v1.1 September 13, 2016
+ added help;
~ fixed bugs with ajax;
~ fix translations;
~ add help;
~ remove limit for max PHP version;
~ min version of cs-cart lower to 4.3.3;
~ all hooks rewritten to smarty-function seohide