Send fiscal receipts to customers directly through the admin panel of your online store on CS-Cart. Add-on is developed just for Ukraine eCommerce.
- CS-Cart Store Builder Free
- CS-Cart Store Builder Plus
- CS-Cart Store Builder Ultimate
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Standard
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Plus
- CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Ultimate
- Integrations
- 4.13.1
- 4.13.2
- 4.13.3
- 4.14.1
- 4.14.2
- 4.14.3
- 4.15.1
- 4.15.2
- 4.16.1
- 4.16.2
- 4.17.1
- 4.17.2
- 4.18.1
- 4.18.2
- 4.18.3
- 6 months (a paid renewal is available upon expiration)
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Обов'язкове оновлення v1.3.0!
Наказом від 22.11.2024 р. № 601 Мінфін вносить зміни до форми та змісту фіскальних чеків. Дане оновлення містить всі необхідні зміни відповідно до цього наказу. Усі способи оплати, які використовуються в ПРРО необхідно переналаштувати!
Як правильно виконати оновлення:
1. Зробити бекап сайту;
2. Оновити AB: Менеджер модулів до версії v2.5.5;
3. Зафіксувати налаштування "AB: ПРРО Checkbox інтеграція" у способах оплати, що використовуються;
4. Оновити модуль "AB: ПРРО" до версії v1.3.0;
5. У кожному способі оплати, що використовується, встановити нові налаштування "AB: ПРРО Checkbox інтеграція", з урахуванням рекомендацій нижче;
6. Опціонально. Сервіс надає тестового касира. Ви можете використовувати його для перевірки формування чеків із останніми змінами;
7. Процес оновлення завершено! Можна відкривати вітрину!
Рекомендації налаштувань від
1. Оплата через фізичний банківський термінал або термінал у смартфоні:
-- "Картка";
2. Зарахування від Novapay:
-- "Платіж через інтегратора Novapay";
3. Оплата через платіжну систему Liqpay/WayForPay/EasyPay:
-- або "Платіж через інтегратора Liqpay/WayForPay/EasyPay";
-- або "Інтернет еквайринг";
4. Інтернет-еквайринг на сайті від Mono:
-- або "Платіж через інтегратора mono";
-- або "Інтернет еквайринг";
5. Зарахування від ТОВ EVOPAY:
-- або "Платіж через RozetkaPay";
-- або "Інтернет еквайринг";
6. Зарахування на рахунок IBAN, картку фоп, ключ-карту:
-- або "Інтернет банкінг";
-- або "Переказ з картки";
-- або "Переказ з поточного рахунку";
-- або "За реквізитами IBAN";
New features and improvements:
[+] Added data on the form of payment and method of payment in accordance with Decree No. 601 of 22.11.2024 of the Ministry of Finance.
[+] Added payment type selection to the payment method pop-up.
[+] On the editing order page added sorting of descending time for sales receipts and returns receipts.
[+] Added a new add-on setting "Add UKTZED for products". When the setting is enabled, UKTZED codes will appeare in a sale receipt.
[+] Added a new add-on setting "Use shipping as a separate product". When the setting is enabled, a shipping will be displayed as a separate valid product.
[+] Added a new add-on setting "Transfer taxes for products". When the setting is enabled, data about product taxes will be displayed in a sale receipt.
[+] On the editing order page added ability to create several sales receipts for one order.
[+] On the editing tax page added a tax selection field from the Checbox service tax list. These taxes must be created in the Checkbox service beforehand.
[+] On the editing page of payment method in the "Add-ons" tab added selection of available cashiers. Selected cashiers will be available to generate a sale receipt for an order with the specified payment method. If no cashier is selected in the payment method, then all cashiers will be available. For a return receipt, only the cashier who created the sales receipt is always available.
[+] On the editing page of the delivery method added new fields: Name in receipt; Article for delivery method; UKTZED.
[+] Added “AB PRRO UKT ZED” and Name fields for import/export of products
[+] On the editing order page, added blocking of sales receipt creation, if tax rates were changed in a product of the order.
[+] On the editing tax page added automatic activation of the setting "Price includes tax", when a tax from Checkbox service is selected in the field "AB: PRRO tax".
[+] Added dependency. If the “Transfer taxes for goods” module setting is activated and the goods transferred to the receipt have no taxes, then block the creation of a sales receipt.
Functionality changes:
[*] Added padding for the block "Return receipt".
[*] The "Create sales receipt" button has been moved to the top of the form.
[*] On the editing order page added sorting by times descending of sales receipts and return receipts.
[*] On the editing order page added limitation for a cashier - for a return receipt is available for a cashier that created a sales receipt.
[*] Added notifications with the reason for blocking the creation of a sales receipt.
Bug fixes:
[!] On the editing order page the button "Create sales receipt" didn't appear after sales receipt creation. Fixed.
[!] When opening a shift, the presence of a license key for the cashier is taken into account.
[!] Fixed reflashing of the “By SMS” tab in the check sending message template.
[!] Fixed cashiers sorting in the window of receipt creating.
[!] Add-on setting "Send receipts from Checkbox" worked incorrect. Fixed.
[!] It was forbidden to create the second receipt when the first one was created with a mistake. Fixed.
[+] Multi-Vendor edition. Added ability to create cashiers, cash registers, shifts and receipts by vendors.
[+] Ultimate edition. Added ability to share cashiers among storefronts.
[+] "Vendor panel configurator" add-on. Added link to vendor panel.
Bug fixes:
[!] On the page of order view error ocurred on CS-Cart versions 4.14.1 and below. Fixed.
[+] Added preview window when creating receipt.
[+] Added ability to specify note when creating receipt.
[+] Added add-on setting “Print formats of receipt”.
[+] “AB: Extended SMS notifications” add-on. Added SMS support when sending receipt to customer.
[+] Added hooks when creating receipt:
[+] Added hooks to function of data managing when creating form of receipt creating:
[+] Added cashier property “Test mode”. Thus, all requests will be sent to test server of Checkbox.
Functionality changes:
[*] Improved usability for form of shift opening when using several cashiers and cashier registers.
[*] Button "Open shift" has been renamed on the button "Manage shifts" that transfers to the page of shift list.
Bug fixes:
[!] When changing payment method in the order, status of receipt necessity was not changed in administration panel. Fixed.
[!] An error occurred on updating the receipt status. Fixed.
[+] Research and Development of the add-on functionality.