UniTheme2 for Multi-Vendor edition of CS-Cart

Adds layouts, styles, templates and functional support for UniTheme2 proper work in CS-Cart Ultimate version.


Support Documentation

Adds layouts, styles, templates and functional support for UniTheme2 proper work in CS-Cart Ultimate version.

Full theme description look on UniTheme2 page.

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AB dev team guarantees limited technical support to customers through its own technical support system. In order to use the technical support, authorize on the site and click the "Support" button.

Support includes:
  • Author's answers to the technical questions of the work of the solution
  • Help in solving bugs and problems
  • Release of versions, that support new versions of CS-Cart as well as fixing bugs and issues
Support does not include:
  • Customization services
  • Installation services
  • Adaptation services for working with third-party solutions and modules
  • Update services



A complete list of technical support conditions look here

Release #21
v4.18.1.a from 26-Jun-2024

Do you wish to make update without any problems and ensure the result?
Use the help of AB team to support your on-line store in the actual state.

Service - theme update

Service - extended support

Functionality changes:
[*] All layouts have been updated to the latest version mv10.
Release #20
v4.16.1.a from 03-Feb-2023
New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.16.1.

Layout changes:
[*] Updated all alyouts to the version MV8.
Release #19
v4.15.1.b from 25-Aug-2022
Discuss release, share your point of view, notify about error or suggest and improvement you can on our forum !


Attention! We recommend to update used layouts of the theme.


Do you wish to make update without any problems and ensure the result? Use the help of AB team to support your on-line store in the actual state.


Service - theme update

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a new style for the “Checkout” page (layout update is required to - mv7).
[+] On the layout page "Checkout" added new blocks with new templates:
* Block "Order summary" with the template "AB: Order summary";
* Block "AB: Promo code" with the template "AB: Promo code";
* Block "Your order" with the template "AB: Products in cart".
You need to update layouts if you wish to start working with the blocks rapidly.

Functionality changes:
[*] Added a new style for content block "Request a call”. The block is available at all new (mv7) theme layouts.
Release #18
v4.15.1.a from 06-Jul-2022
Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.15.1.
Release #17
v4.14.3.a from 01-Jun-2022
Discuss release, share you point of view, notify about any problem or suggest improvement, you can at our forum !

Attention! We recommend to refresh used theme layouts.

Do you wish to make update without any problems and ensure the result? Use the help of AB team to support your on-line store in the actual state.

Service - theme update

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a new block “Vendor categories” with the template "AB: Advanced subcategories menu". The block is located on the layout page "AB: Vendor store".

Functionality changes:
[*] Compatibility with the template UniTheme2 version 4.14.3.c - 4.14.3.d.
[*] Improved adaptivity for block with vendor information on the product page and vendor page.

Bug fixes:
[!] "Vendor locations [Beta]" add-on. In the blocks “Closest vendors” and “Featured Vendors” vendor logo has been malformed. Fixed.
[!] Language variables of sorting by vendor rating were missed. Fixed.
[!] “General products for vendors” add-on. The button “Add to comparison list” has not been hidden with the function of “AB: Antibot” add-on. Fixed.
[!] On the search and feature pages, the button “Filters” has been displayed at the bottom of the page on mobile devices. The button has been relocated to the top of the page. Layout update is required (with index mv6).
[!] On the vendor page in the block “Vendor information”, a possibility to ask vendor a question has been missed. Fixed.
[!] Product view has been missed on the vendor page on tablet devices at vertical mode with screen resolution 768х1024. Fixed.
[!] “General products for vendors” add-on. In the general product, vendor list has been displayed not in one line. Fixed.

Layout changes:
[*] Added new layouts (with index mv6) that are compatible with UniTheme2 version 4.14.3.c - 4.14.3.d.
Release #16
v4.14.1.a from 06-Jan-2022
New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.14.1.

Functionality changes:
[*] "Antibot" add-on. On the page of vendor store, link to vendor page is hidden for bots.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the page of vendor store, sending of the form "Ask question" was loading endlessly. Fixed.
[!] Logos were displayed deformed on all pages and blocks. Fixed.
Release #15
v4.12.2.b from 12-Apr-2021
New features and improvements:
[+] Added new layout of the template Light v2.

Functionality changes:
[*] On the page “AB: Vendor store” added dependence of display of subcategories and categories description from theme settings “Show subcategories on category pages” and “Display category description”.

Layout changes:
[*] In the theme layouts (Advanced, Fixed, Default, Light, Light v2), on the page “AB: Vendor store”, added new block “AB: Vendor categories” in the column above vendor filters.
Release #14
v4.12.2.a from 27-Jan-2021
New features and improvements:
[+] Added new theme layout “Light” with a new type of blocks view.

Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.12.2.
Release #13
v4.12.1.a from 30-Nov-2020
New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.12.1.
Release #12
v4.11.5.a from 04-Sep-2020
New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.11.5.

Bug fixes:
[!] Fixed user group privileges.
[!] Add-on "Common Products for Vendors": On the page of general products with the template "The big picture" the button "Add to wishlist" in the list of sellers was not displayed correctly. Fixed.
[!] Add-on "Common Products for Vendors": The lists of products with a template "Compact List" for discount sticker of general products was not displayed. Fixed.
Release #11
v4.11.4.a from 18-May-2020
Bug fixes:
[!] On the vendor page the search was held including all the products instead of vendor products only. Fixed in the layouts. It is needed to change "Search" block into "Vendor search" in the layout that you use.

To add the changes in your layout by yourself, go to the layout "Design -> Layouts -> UniTheme 2 Multivendor (layout that you use)". On the page "AB: Vendor store" delete block "Search" and add instead the block "Vendor search" (If it does not exist, create a block). Go to the settings of the "Search by vendor" block and write a custom CSS class "top-search" and save.

Layout changes:
[*] In the layout "UniTheme 2 Multivendor (Advanced)" on the page "AB: Vendor store" the block "Search" is deleted and the block "Vendor search" is added instead.
[*] In the layout "UniTheme 2 Multivendor (Default)" on the page "AB: Vendor store" the block "Search" is deleted and the block "Vendor search" is added instead.
[*] In the layout "UniTheme 2 Multivendor (Fixed)" on the page "AB: Vendor store" the block "Search" is deleted and the block "Vendor search" is added instead.
Release #10
v4.11.3.a from 19-Feb-2020
New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart v4.11.3.
Release #9
v4.11.2.a from 12-Dec-2019
New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.11.2;
[+] Added settings for the vedor’s block on the product page, allow you to adjust the output of all block elements;
[+] Added settings for the block with information about the vendor on the vendor’s page.

Bug fixes:
With turned on "Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments" addon, if you add to cart products from different vendors, the amount of products in the counter of the "Cart" block does not change. Fixed.
Release #8
v4.11.1.a from 15-Nov-2019
New features and improvements:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart v.4.11.1.
Release #7
v4.10.4.b from 04-Nov-2019
New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with "Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments [Beta]" addon.
Release #6
v4.10.4.a from 19-Sep-2019
New features and improvements:
[+] Technical compatibility with СS-Cart 4.10.4 is added;
Release #5
v4.10.3.b from 05-Sep-2019
Bug fixes:
[!] On the vendor page, If you add HTML tags to the seller's description, the vendor information block imposition was broken. Fixed;
[!] On the product card page, at active "PayPal Adaptive Payments" addon — the seller information was displayed two times. Fixed;
[!] At installation addon, wasn't displayed layouts for Multi-Vendor. Fixed.
Release #4
v4.10.3.a from 26-Jul-2019
Functionality changes:
[!] In "Advanced", "Default" and "Fixed" templates, on the "Checkout" page in the container "Content" the "Address" block was added to the section "Grid 12" (available from the version CS-Cart 4.10.3). The layouts version is changed to UniTheme 2 Multivendor (Advanced) - mv2, UniTheme 2 Multivendor (Default) - mv2, UniTheme 2 Multivendor (Fixed) - mv2. The used template actualization is recommended.
Release #3
v4.10.2.c from 05-Jul-2019
Bug fixes:
[!] fixed layout update;
Release #2
v4.10.2.b from 02-Jul-2019
New features and improvements:
[+] In all layouts, new blocks are added: "Location" and "Customer location";

Functionality changes:
[*] Blocks position in container "Top panel" sections is changed. The user class of one of the sections is removed;
[*] Our own functionality of UniTheme2 layouts addition for the Multi-Vendor edition is removed. Use standard CS-Cart functionality for work with layouts, for more details see documentation https://docs.cs-cart.abt.team/ru/abt__unitheme2.doc#p-1221;

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product page in the variations list two buttons "Add to List " were displayed. It is corrected;
[!] Block "AB: Phone numbers" caused a mistake at the switched-off "Call request" addon. Fixed;
[!] On the "Feature comparison" page the space to the left of the "Main content" appeared. Fixed (for the "Features" layout for the "Dispatch" option it is necessary to chose to "View product features" option);
Release #1
v4.10.2.a from 22-May-2019
Feature additions:
[+] Added AB: UniTheme2 files (layouts and templates) for support of Multi-Vendor edition;